Saturday, February 18, 2023

Evolution, 2001, What you missed!

Evolution is a 2001 American comic science fiction film directed by Ivan Reitman.

The plot of the film follows college professor Ira Kane (David Duchovny) and geologist Harry Block (Orlando Jones), who investigate a large meteor crash in Arizona. They discover that the meteor harbours extra-terrestrial lifeforms, which are evolving very quickly into large, diverse and outlandish creatures.

A man called Wayne, Seann William Scott was moments before in an isolated area in Colorado when the meteor fell, exploding his car. 

Seann William Scott, as Wayne. 

In the next day, the science professors Ira Kane, David Duchovny and Harry Block, Orlando Jones, from the Glen Canyon Community College investigate the crash site, discovering the meteor crashed in a large cage and 'bleeds' a strange blue liquid when scraped. 

They quickly learn that the meteor has extra-terrestrial nitrogen-based microorganisms that condense millions of years of evolution within a matter of minutes.

The next day, the microscopic organisms have evolved into asexual fungi and flatworms that cannot yet breathe oxygen, and aquatic life the day after that.

The microorganism multiplying, you can see the core in the left. 

In question of seconds they multiplied. 

As this microscopic being multiplied, the liquid multiplied. He put in just one drop. Ira Kane said that this is impossible, so he never saw something like this before. 

Got worse, it continue to multiply. 

It Evolved until break the slide. 

Ira then goes after Harry and explains that it's DNA has 10 base pairs in comparison with humans that has only 4 base pairs. So he says, this is a being from another world, they are Aliens. But, in fact, their base is not 10, that's the number the machine could register. It's piece of Rock is probably a piece of a Planet. This means that others planets with other kind of life forms for sure. 

Harry takes a look, and sees something worse, the being continue to evolve and multiplying itself and it's becoming something else. Ira says that it's a being multi-cellular organism. 

Ira take his class to the cage place and when he gets there, everything is evolved. It's almost a new planet. So, this rock could be a little part of a Planet. 

Ira feels the ground moving, when he remove the gas, he sees a kind of flatworms in the ground. Only 18 hours has passed.

He took one Flatworm and now they are 3

The same thing that Ira saw on microscope, they are doing in real life, multiplying itself rapidly, they are splitting. They reproduce by asexual reproduction called mitosis. 

Wayne is working at a hotel and sees the flatworms on the ground in waters filter room

The flatworms got inside their water sewer tubulation

A lot of flatworms on the ground, if you see something like this call the U.S Government ASAP.

The little flatworm evolved to a "Peixe Boi" more aggressive with Vampires teeth. 

Meanwhile, Ira and Harry go to see the cave, but the information spread and the militaries isolated the area and are in charge. The military responsible bugged Ira's computer and got the case. 

Ira and Harry decide to get infiltrated because the militaries stole their files. Now they will get inside. 

The place is like a Jurassic Park. At this point only three weeks has passed. Has a lot of kind of insects. 

This is a kind of giant insect. 

This one looks like an arachnids. 

This insect was disturbed by the noise and attacked Harry, cutting his cloth and getting inside his body. 

The fly is moving in his leg. 

They took out by the Harry's rectus

This man called Barry Cartwright was in the Wayne's hotel and was attacked by the creature and Wayne saw. It's a kind of dinosaur. 

Ira explains that he took this decision because he was desperate, without job for 5 years and this big discovery is the exit to this. Leaving the military area Wayne was waiting for them in their lab to give them the animal that killed Mr. Cartwright.  

Ira asks how the animal died, Wayne answers this way. 

In the sewer tubulation, they invaded a woman's house and this creature came out. 

When it opened the mouth, came out another monster. It bit her hand but after the bit it died. Seems that these animals cannot eat human flash. (Maybe she used detergent before to clean her hands)?.

Meanwhile Wayne came back with an amazing discovery. He saw a lot of Dinasours included one having a baby. I don't know if this is related with the Meteors. 

This one gave birth to another dinosaur by mouth. 

The situation could not get worse, it seems that the dinosaur can breath normally our oxygen, and starts to fly.

The Dinasour got scared and flew. 

How he decided to get inside the Department Store, in the Tumbleweed Pavilion what happened is he took a woman to eat maybe?

The woman is super scared and it continues to fly with her. Ira, Harry and Wayne took rifles to kill the Dinasour. 

Wayne tries to attract the animal communicating and starts to sing on microphone, it works and Ira then shot the animal. 

They recover the girl, she is alive.

The Dinasour was not dead, so they shot him again. 

They go back celebrating because they accomplished the mission. 

As the Governor arrived, he wants to know how to stop the spread. As we know, these Aliens evolve in question of days, so the Doctor explains that in question of days the entire USA will be infected with their species and they can be extinctic. 

Ira introducing himself to the Governor. 

The military Woodman suggests to isolate the area, there lives 10.000 people approximately, and after that he suggested to burn the Alien area with Napalm.

The situation is getting worse, now they evolved to a Primate. 

The primates shut down all the cameras, after the lights and then they came back to the surface and attacked the militaries, then Wayne shot one of them to death. 

The Primate jumped and attacked them, maybe this creature is sensible to the light. 

Wayne is really smart. 

After almost die, the Governor authorizes them to do whatever is necessary to take these Aliens down. Melt the place down. He said. 

Doctor Reed, Julianne Moore wants to work with the researchers, to get out of the military base, she wants to get part in the private project. 

Meanwhile the families are being evacuated. 

Meanwhile, the crazy civilians are giving a farewell party, Goodbye Arizona, "I can't die Virgin". 🤣

USA is a very organized society, these crazy people work together and sometimes gets in the way more than it's helps. 

Ira, Wayne, the Doctor Reed and Harrys are trying to figure out how to kill this flatworm, with the sample they have Harrys starts to smoke, suddenly he throws the cigarrete in the sample and the liquid starts to evolve to the Flatworm. 

It's growing in an exponential velocity. 

Doctor Reed call Woodman to tell them the danger they will gonna be but he refuses because is angry, taking revenge. 

He is angry with them, so he refuses to pick up the call. This is a big lesson, if someone is calling you, just listen before take revenge. 

Ira looks at the Reed's t-shirt and thinks that Selenium could be something that could kill the aliens, he says that the aliens are nitrogen-based, so he thinks Selenium could be a venom to them like Arsenic is to us. Important to note when that creature bit the woman, he died after.

They got inside the cave, but Woodman started the explosions. 

Happened the same thing like in the LAB, the Aliens started to evolve. 

The Flatworm became a giant monster. 

It emerge from the Cave to the surface, here in the left the military is running for his life. 

The governor and the militaries watching the thing growing. 

The militaries that are close are running because they can't understand what is happening. The thing is continue to grow. 

It's so big that affected the houses nearby. 

Now they got up of their chair. It's really impressive. 

Wow! This is so big like a mountain now. It's grow proportional to the fire that was set. In the laboratory it stop to grow when the fire stopped. 

They are all perplexed. They cannot believe that's exists such thing. 

The militaries look so small now. 

So, when it stopped to grow, it begin to make MITOSIS. So this is a process of multiply, they are not attacking, they are just growing. In this moment they want to use the shampoo to destroy the thing. 

They got under the Flatworm. 

They got inside the whole of the Alien to spread the Shampoo. 

The worm evolved and with the shampoo they succeed to put inside it will explode. 

The thing exploded! 

They are happy celebrating. They are very brave. 😁

They took the credit in the Media. 

They are heroes and won a Head&Shoulders commercial.

The movie is indeed super interesting, worth all your attention. 

Until next time!



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