Showing posts with label the best of me film 2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the best of me film 2014. Show all posts

Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Best of Me, 2014 film - A history of Dawson who faces problems of an abusive father, finds a true love and a new father

General Information

October 17, 2014

  • James Marsden as Dawson Cole
  • Michelle Monaghan as Amanda Collier
    • Liana Liberato as young Amanda

$26 million

Box Office



The Best of Me is an American romantic drama film directed by Michael Hoffman and written by Will Fetters and J. Mills Goodloe, based on Nicholas Sparks' 2011 novel of the same name. The film stars James Marsden and Michelle Monaghan with Luke Bracey and Liana Liberato.

Shooting began on March 6, 2014 in New Orleans. The film was released on October 17, 2014 by Relativity Media. Previews in selected test markets were shown on October 15.

Going back to 1992, Dawson was born into a notorious backwoods criminal family with an abusive father. As a teenager, it is revealed that his cousin Bobby was going to be a teen parent along with his girlfriend April. When leaving the restaurant they were at, April's car breaks down. Being a helpful person Dawson gets out of the car and tells her to put the car in neutral and tries to go get help. He then goes ask the people in the car behind him if they were going to help push or just honk to which they just honk. In that car, however, was Amanda realizes that her friends were being jerks and decides to go help Dawson. Once they had the car to the side of the road, Amanda offers to call a tow truck to which Dawson decline saying he can fix it. See how kind he was tries to hit on him but Dawson is oblivious to any of it, to the dismay of his friends. When he got home his father is mad that he didn't say hello when he walked in so Dawson begrudgingly says hi. Not being satisfied he father threatens to beat him. Not feeling respected he left his father's home and stayed overnight in Tuck Hostetler's garage. Tuck, a local mechanic who had recently lost his wife, allows Dawson to live with him and eventually considers him a son of his own. One day at school Dawson sees Amanda at her car with the front open. He comes over to see what is going on to where he easily finds the problem being a disconnected battery. Amanda then asks him on a date to which he says yes. However, Dawson never came. Amanda being mad goes over to his house where she finds him working on a car. He then explains to her that the reason he didn't want to go out in public was that he had gotten a black eye earlier that day. In response, Amanda tells him to take her someplace private to which they go to a local water tower. It is here where Amanda tells Dawson about her plans for the future is going to Tulane University and wanting to work for a non-profit. The two start dating a truly fall in love. Before the prom, Dawson's father and brothers beat Tuck. Dawson angered, goes to his father's house with the intent of killing him with Tuck's rifle. However, in the scuffle Bobby is accidentally killed. In exchange for a lighter sentence, Dawson testifies against his father and brothers. However, since Dawson will not be paroled for another four years, he cuts ties with Amanda, forcing her to choose college over staying with him.

After Tuck's death, Amanda and Dawson meet with Tuck's lawyer and learn that he has left them with cottage he and he wife lived in and that they are to scatter Tuck's ashes there. Things start out with rocky with Amanda and Dawson keeping their distance and doing it for Tuck. Once Dawson stumbles upon a photo of Tuck, Amanda, and her daughter, Amanda starts to open up about what has happened over the past twenty years. She tells him that she went to Tulane University as planned but unexpectedly got pregnant. Afterward, she got married to a guy named Frank and had two children: Jared and Bee. She also tells Dawson that Bee had just turned two in that photo had been diagnosed with leukemia a few weeks later and passed away. Dawson comforts and consoles her and says that he couldn't fathom what that was like. Later, Dawson and Amanda spend a passionate night together. While having dinner Amanda asks if he had been in any relationships or had loved anyone. In response, Dawson said that she set a pretty high bar. Amanda then feels a bit guilty and touched being the only one he had truly loved. While walking to the car Amanda admits that she intentionally pulled the battery out of the car just so he could save her. However, Dawson knew all along that was the case and Amanda wonders why he did tell her to which Dawson replies when was a mechanic ever the hero of the story. Amand then goes in and kisses him. next day the take a ride in Dawson's stickshift car and Amanda is taught by Dawson how to operate it. They then come back to the cottage where they spread Tuck's ashers. They sit down at boat dock discuss their plans during which Amanda tells Dawson that she came every day for month and every week for a year. Dawson says to her that he knew about every time she came, she gets mad and walks away. Dawson, pleading for her to listen says that he only did that to alleviate some of the pain. Amanda then says that he didn't take away any of the pain and confesses that she would have waited as long as it took. She then says (knowing full well how wrong it was) that when Jared was born she wanted to tell him and when Bee died of Leukemia she wanted him to hold her and Dawson does just that. She hated him for it because she would have done anything for him and he took that option away from her. After admitting he was wrong the two of them kiss and makeup. Later that day, while by the fire Amanda and Dawson reminisce over their song "Sweet Jamie" and Amanda says to Dawson that she had always trusted for life to work out and that she doesn't feel that way anymore. Dawson then gets up, and to Amanda's surprise and glee, he goes to his car and plays that same song in his car. The two then dance and Amanda admits that he is not stepping on her feet to which Dawson replies that he hasn't yet. Afterward, they have sex and both are happy beyond content. The following day, they are both reminded of old times with a rose in a bottle. Later they both jump into the nearby lake and Amanda lies on her back as Dawson holds her. Then while sitting outside looking at the garden, Amanda gets a phone call from her son Jared asking how it was going and asks when she will be back. She says she will be back in a few days and hangs up. Dawson then says that Amanda should go back and respect her commitments to her family and only loves her more for it. Amanda knows that she should but doesn't know how to say goodbye. Dawsons says that he will be here and will always love her. She then decides to return to her family and her strained marriage, to meet her family commitments.

When Amanda goes home, Dawson remains at Tuck's to restore the garden. However, she later plans to split up with her husband, and she leaves Dawson a voicemail expressing her love. Before anything more can happen between them, Dawson is attacked and almost killed by his brothers and is almost pushed in front of a moving train. Dawson knocks out his brothers, but after calling 911, he is spotted by his father across the railroad tracks and is shot dead.

Meanwhile, Amanda's son is in an automobile accident and receives a heart from a donor. Amanda's mother in tears sobbingly tells Amanda of the tragic death of Dawson, and she is heartbroken. A year later, Jared calls her from college saying that since it has been a year since the accident, he has learned the identity of his donor and wonders if Amanda knew him: Dawson Cole. Amanda says that she did and starts to cry happily They agree that she will tell Jared about him when he comes home for spring break.


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