Saturday, March 4, 2023

7 Zombie Movies on my Netflix LIST🥉


1. Day of the dead, 2017 (The cure was found! Finally!)


Some residents of Medicine of the Whittendale University were giving a party while Zoe, Sophie Skelton was attacked by the Psycho patient Max, Johnathon Schaech, for her lucky one corpse woke in time and bit the psycho. 

Sophie was working in Outlander, as Brianna Frazer, daughter of the Claire and Jamie. 

Sophie Skelton is the big Star who discovered the Cure for the infection. 

In the IMDB has some pictures of some fake scene and studio, like saying it was a movie, but it's not. In this scenario you see that is fake, no one single person here was in the movie. They only took what was recorded and showed Zoe's friend in the scene, this means this was made after. 

Rotters is the way they name the Zombies. So, for the way they call them you know from where these civilians are. I mean, regions inside the United States.  For example, in The Walking Dead they call them Walkers, in The Fear the Walking Dead, they were called infected. 

This reporter was in the street registering the Chaos the movie didn't show if she is alive.

Zoe with the Students at the University before the Attack. 

Day of the Dead Poster

This is Max, Johnathon Schaechthe obsessed psycho who attacked Zoe. He was bit by the Zombie during his sexual assault trial. You see, the zombie saved her life. Johnathon did a lot of movies, believe me, one day this man was like an Angel, here it is him with Live Taylor. 

Five years after the outbreak Zoe survived and is living in a military base with some survivors. 

Zoe was dating Baca, Marcus Vanco, and his brother the Commander of the Camp Jeff Gum died. He was against Zoe because she has problems following orders. Because of her he had some losses, but in the end Zoe was the one who found the cure. Everything has a price. 

One of the residents (a child), Lily, Lilian Blankenship, presents a strong fever. Zoe suggests that they must to go at the University to take antibiotics. There,  they are attacked and they have one loss.

Max comes under their car and bite one militar in the base, now they are compromised. He was aware, so he gets inside by the tubulation and little by little he kills the residents. He is looking for Zoe and when he sees her with her boyfriend Baca he gets pissed and starts to bite others.

Zoe and her friends captured the Zombie Max then she takes a sample of his blood and a X-ray. He has some alive organs like part of his brain, heart and part of his leg that were not infected, so he is not totally dead, but he doesn't have totally control of his body. He hesitated to bite Zoe and could talk a little, like: - Zoe you are mine! 

In the sequence, she took some blood samples of some other zombies. This way Zoe found the cure! That's really nice, don't you think? How? The good blood attacks the zombies cells destroying them, that's very simpleInjecting the vaccine inside the veins. 

Did you know that in Brazil they give vaccine against Covid in the arm's muscles? That's why people are not getting cured. 

I believe, to be more effective, every country must to develop their own vaccine because of the genetic variations and the geographic ambient conditions. 

2. Dawn of the Dead - 2004 



After finishing a long shift as a nurse, Ana, Sarah Polley returns to her house and her husband, Luis, Louis Ferreira well know as Colonel Everett Youngthe commander of Star Gate Universe, the affair of the nurse of  the Stargate Universe Tamara Johansen, Allaina Huffman. Alaina also is in the excellent series "The 100" of the CW channel. Check it out! The 100 Series Review.

I think he really died in real life. He has no official profile on Instagram. 

The next morning, a girl enters their bedroom and kills Luis, who immediately reanimates as a zombie and attacks Ana. She ran away in her car, crashes, and passes out. Upon waking, Ana joins police sergeant Kenneth Hall, electronics salesman Michael, petty criminal Andre and his pregnant wife, Luda. They break into a nearby mall and are attacked by a zombified security guard, who scratches Luda. Three living guards — C.J., Bart, and Terry — make them surrender their weapons in exchange for refuge. 

Sarah Polley continued her life and wrote a book, "Run Towards the Danger", but is not about the Zombies, at least not explicit! 

The book is composed of six essays:

  • Alice Collapsing, about Polley's time performing in the Stratford Festival production of Alice Through the Looking Glass and her battle with scoliosis.
  • The Woman Who Stayed Silent, about Polley's decision not to come forward about being sexually assaulted by Jian Ghomeshi.
  • High Risk, about Polley's high-risk pregnancy with her first daughter, Eve.
  • Mad Genius, about the danger and abuse she suffered while shooting The Adventures of Baron Munchausen at 9 years old.
  • Dissolving the boundaries, about her trip to Prince Edward Island as an adult and reflecting on her unhappy time filming the TV series Road to Avonlea.
  • Run Towards the Danger, about a life changing concussion, the symptoms of which persevered for nearly 4 years.
It's an abusive world, so many times, a lot of people stay silent scared of their own lifes. So, we just have to respect that. 

The most precious information of the movie itself is in the beginning of the movie, the place where the attacks occurred, she was living in Milwaukee County. 

The Movie - Is not available on Netflix for now, i don't know if it will play again soon. 

I recommend, all the movies about the Outbreak are very interesting, with different reactions, ideas of self defense and also is good to know what is happening in each region of USA. 

3. The girl with all gifts, 2016 - London Zombies

Another military base, with some children that only eat flatworms. Because of this reason maybe they have this desire to eat human flash. They don't transform in Zombies but they have this sense of feel attracted by human flash. There they go to school with the supervision of Helen Justineau, Gemma Arterton.  


The fungus they were infected was called ophiocordyceps unilateralis

One girl in Particular took Gemma's attention, is the little Melanie, Sennia Nanua, that saved her from a zombie later. She was out when the Chaos took place in the military base and survived, joining in Gemma's Group. She was proved to be useful and saved them again of a big horde in a abandoned mall. 

Outside they see a lot of Zombies sleeping during the day and succeed to walk among them without being covered by blood. I don't know why.

They talk about the Fungus Cordyceps, maybe this can explain the kind of infection they have there in London. There is a big tree that grew a lot with this fungus in the zombie, so Emily sets fire and the fungus spread in the air. 

One interesting thing is, the King of Game of Thrones, of the "Season House of the Dragon" - Patrick George Considine, of the House of the Dragon died, he turned when Melanie spread the Fungus in the air. Once more, no witnesses. Seems that Gemma and Glenn are alive in real life.  

Fsayo Akinade Facebook profile last Post, in Mart of 2021

Gemma Arterton Blog
Gemma Arterton Last Magazine Cover, 2021

Glenn Close on Instagram

This is the information she posted to the fans, that she will gonna do more two new jobs.

Paddy Considine on Instagram

This is one photo in his profile that is very strange, could be a proof. He died in the streets alone. 

Here is him and John Snow. 

4.Warm Bodies, 2004



They are all running of the Zombies, and one Zombie called "R", Nicholas Hoult, was not totally turned, like Max in Day of the Dead, so he could talk a little and he saw a girl called Julie, Teresa Palmer, and fell in love with her, so he invited her so she could not die, saving her life.

Teresa also is alive with a beautiful family, she is a big champion. 

Nicholas Hoult is working in the Third Season of "The Great".

Nicholas Hoult new movie Renfield with Nicholas Cage

So, that's the new Nicholas Cage, he doesn't have updated profile on social media, so maybe, he is really a Vampire in real life. RENFIELD - Watch the trailer here!

Let's go back to the movie...

 One part of him was love and another part he wanted to feed on her, but he controlled himself. He knew her because he fed on her boyfriend before and he started to see his memories with her. 

They spend a time closed in a Airplane

She was living before in a protected area and her father was a military commander. She took him inside the base and decided to lie to everyone making him a Make up so he could walk among them freely. 

After he fell inside a fountain and the water helped him to be cured, but showed that was his heart that gave him a Reward, so he became human again. 

 His recovery is impressive, he seems cured. Is the first time I see this. John of The Fear the Walking Dead also fell in the water, but turned and died. 

My conclusion is that there is a possibility that he was really half zombie and human. In the internet shows that was a movie, So, maybe they really decided to make the movie. In a normal circumstance, the Zombie's are not so rational. They only go feeding themselves like animals. 

What makes someone to be Vampire are the Teeth's mainly, and they feed of blood not flash, and to be Zombies is to walk strangely and feed of meat. 

5. Army of the Dead, 2021



Don't ask me how John Doyle, of the Fear the Walking Dead, Garry Dillahunt died in two places. Here he was attacked by Shiva, the Tiger and in The Fear the Walking Dead he died in the season 6, episode 8 in 2020. June, his wife buried his body. The series finished in 2021 and after it Army of the Dead was launched on Netflix. 

All his social media are not so updated. So, let's conclude that John really died in real life. June was in complete desolation, she had true feelings about his death. 

John was also here, Shiva the Tiger fought with him. 

Meet Matthias Schweighofer, as Ludwig Dieter that is the key. Only him could open the German safe code. He worth millions. I will tell you. Before he got trap in this movie, he was in another one called Army of the Thieves. He lived in Germany in a little city and a girl of the Game of Thrones Misandei, Nathalie Emanuel, who is starring another movie called "The invitation", from August, 2022. It's inspired in Dracula, of Bram Stoker. 

... So, she knew about him and invited him to join her in her plan to robber a bank in France. The French Police officer succeeded to take her, but she gave Matthias a passport to go to United States, he succeeds to get inside USA and this man, David Bautista as Scott Ward, who was bitten later in the helicopter, father of the survivor Ella Purnell, invited him to join this robbery. In the end he got trap and the movie didn't reveal if he survived, but the Zombies got inside the Safe with him. 

Matthias looks very much alive and is visiting his country again. Long Life to this warrior. 

David was bitten in the helicopter, in the final phase of the operation, the zombie got inside the helicopter killing the pilot and biting him. 

Here looks more like John's "duble". They show how they did it in the computer. Well it will be for the Occam's razor theory. 

"The Simplest Explanation is Usually the Correct Explanation".

A battalion of people in Las Vegas became Zombie. They rebuild a new one, little than the previously. That's what I think. 

They showed in the making of that this woman's head was a electronic device. I don't believe it! 

They created the entire Making of project in the computer. You can watch "Creating an Army of the Dead". I believe that before, they did the interview with the characters and after the movie they did the "project" in the computer. If you listen carefully they give the answer. The characters really died, but the girl Ella Purnell as Kate Ward in the end survived, that's for sure, but if she made her way home, that's another story. Most probably is they are all dead. The helicopter fell in the desert, possible in an area that could have zombies. 

Ella Purnell in her Words: "Still Alive", on her Instagram profile. So, she did it! 😘

Long life to Ella, to be Alive and Beautiful. 

ella purnell official instagram

6. All of us are Dead, 2022



The series mostly takes place at a high school in South Korea as a zombie apocalypse suddenly breaks out and threatens the safety of the students.

After a failed science experiment, a local high school is overrun with zombies, and the trapped students struggle to survive. With no food or water, and communication cut-off by the government, they must use equipment around the school to protect themselves in the midst of a battleground or they will become part of the infected.

The series was released on January 28, 2022, on Netflix.  Following its release, the series was watched over 474.26 million hours in its first 30 days on the service. On June 6, 2022, the series was renewed for a second season.

The series is great, has a lot of tips of surviving and shows our fragility as humans to handle a situation of big proportions like this. One thing is sure, there is no time, everything happens so fast and the government doesn't want these people that are in the Zombie apocalypse to survive. In the end they had so many zombies, could be 1 China full of zombies, they simple exploded them with a missile. 

7. Zombieland, 2009 



Zombieland premiered at Fantastic Fest in Austin on September 25, 2009.
The film received positive critical reception, with praise for its screenplay, dialogue, comedy, and cast performances (especially Murray's). 

It grossed $102 million worldwide, becoming the then-highest grossing zombie film in the U.S., until the release of World War Z (2013). A sequel, Zombieland: Double Tap, was released in October 2019.

The main Cast is Jesse EisenbergEmma StoneWoody Harrelson and Abigail Bresley. Abigail recently got married, she posted some photos on her Instagram profile, that's really nice to see how far she went, she was just a teenager when they first shot the movie. 

Jesse Eisenberg is the same actor from the movie The Social Network, who interpreted Mark Zuckerberg. He was in Garland, Texas. He said that he survived because he has no close parents and because he is very attentive and follow the rules. He gives so many nice tips, he has many rules of surviving, and reflexions moments, one of them is that he always avoided people, but now that they are all zombies, he misses them.  The most interesting is that he called USA of Zombieland.

Woody Harrelson is also in the new movie "Triangle of Sadnessof 2022" he maybe died in the explosion of the Yatch by the African pirates who were living in the near island where they sank.  The movie didn't show his destiny, so I cannot confirm. Let's wait to see what will happen in the future. 

Woody as the Captain in The "Triangle of Sadness". 

Emma Stone is the girl who was with her sister and steal their guns and car. She is heading to Pacific Playland, that is the place free of zombies to the west of Waco.

Later they met on the road and they destroy a store called Kemo Sabe. It was located in Arizona and the style of the products selling there were Indian Folk souvenirs i found one website but now they are selling hats, boots, Texas cowboy style goods. 

After it they headed Los Angeles, California, like in the Fear the Walking Dead everything was one big Chaos. They went to the Bill Murray's mansion. He was alive and disguised of zombie, so they had a good time and when he tried to scares Columbus, who was in his particular cinema watching a movie, got scared and shot Murray who died quietly. 

Wichita and her sister Abigail reached Playland leaving Columbus and Tallahassee behind once again, but they turned on the lights attracting the zombies putting themselves in dangerous. They get stuck in one "ride toy".  For their lucky Columbus and Tallahassee then go after them and make their way out. They both killed a lot of zombies. Columbus take Wichita out and she likes him. 

After 10 years they come back with the second movie, called "Zombieland double TAP", of 2019.

Columbus explains that the Zombies evolved with time and they gave them different names like "Homers", Hawking, Ninja.

Interesting is the movie was launched during the COVID-19 Epidemic Lockdown worldwide. 

emma stone official instagram



Double TAP means, you have to shoot the zombie twice, to guarantee that they died. 

Time passed, they were living in the White House. Wichita seems bored and Columbus proposes her but she ran away with Little Rock, her sister. There they met a pacifist and Little Rock goes with him to the city Graceland. 

Another girl appears around called Madison, Zoe Deutch, and Columbus invite her to his place, the White House. They also had a nice time together, but for his surprise, Wichita comes back to take some weapons and sees Madison. 

They go to the road and Madison is poisoned with some candies. Columbus kills her in the forest, but the truth is he didn't kill her, because she was becoming like a monster, she lost her ability to talk, it's a kind of allergy reaction to some Quimical product, they abandoned her there. 

They pass to Graceland, and go to Elvis House, Woody is big fan of Elvis, so there is another actress there in the Elvis house called Rosario Dawson, and they get to know each other better. They make a nice couple. After that, they go to the Peaceful place called Babylon where finally Little Rock is there. Madison for my surprise is there too, alive and beautiful and it seems that Columbus didn't kill her and she survived to the allergy. Zoey Deutch also is alive and kicking with her active Instagram Profile. 

Coming back to the movie...

As part of their survival strategy, they throw some fireworks so the zombies are immediately attracted. They had a plan to kill them and it works. In the end they all celebrate, the most incredible is no one died in that day. They don't have any weapon, you see, they survived only using their brains. 

You must to watch to see what is "Polish corridor". 

Both movies are super nice! You will have a good time for sure and learn much more! 

It's their way of living. That's it. We just get the pace, at least to learn how to avoid the virus/infection to spread in the vaccines to other countries for example. 

See you soon!


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