Showing posts with label triangle of sadness 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label triangle of sadness 2022. Show all posts

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Triangle of Sadness - Is the Film related to the cause of the death of the Charlbi Dean in 2022?

Triangle of Sadness is a 2022 satirical black comedy film written and directed by Ruben Östlund in his English-language feature film debut. 

The film stars Harris DickinsonCharlbi DeanDolly de LeonZlatko BurićHenrik DorsinVicki Berlin, and Woody Harrelson

The history begins with a Fashion show in which the super model Yaya is modelling and Karl, her boyfriend watching. The couple goes to an restaurant and they have a misunderstood about the bill payment. Seems that Yaya didn't receive her payment so, her credit card is denied. They go to the hotel where she is host and they discuss about it. 


Yaya opened the fashion week, so the message "Cynism masquerading as optimism is for her? The theme of the fashion week was, Love now, act now, baby, so is a message of someone who loves someone...enigmatic don't you think?

Gallery from IMDB

Carl taking some pictures of Charlbi

Charlbi and Carl at the restaurant talking with Dimitry and his wife Vera.

Charlbi's cellphone. 

Yaya and Carl after go to a cruiser in exchange for her social media engagement but there, everything goes wrong. The Yatch is attacked by a Pirate Boat and they explode it with a grenade. The pirates were black. 

They float in the sea and wake up in a near island that has a hotel, which only later Yaya and Abigail sees it. I believe Abigail knew about this hotel because she took a stone and supposedly killed Yaya, but the movie didn't show. 

I'm reporting the review because I was on Tik Tok when I saw an information about Charlbi's death. Young it's not supposed to have healthy problems.

I believe that she died exactly how the movie showed. Or if not, she is in that Hotel or in that Island. Had an elevator that gave directly to the beach and she was almost entering when Abigail came behind with a big Rock to beat her head. 

All the servants were Philippine style like Abigail, so i cannot say if the pirates and the crew were together, but they served them strange meals at night, the day of the storm that made them vomited almost to death, God sent a strong Storm maybe to save them because in the other day the pirates attacked the Yatch. Was a horror show. It's far from comedy. It's tragical. 

Only Carl, Yaya, Abigail, Dimitry, Paula, Jarmo and one Black man that said he worked in the tubulation survived. The only one who knew skills of survival like to prepare a fire and how to fish was Abigail, so, Abigail named herself Captain. 

Woody's Instagram seems also very strange, since 2019 he didn't posted, after it he appears in 2022. He was filming Zombieland in 2018 or 2019 and how he got to be the captain of the Yatch without mention it on his profile, is a very strange thing. He mentioned about Zombieland. Now his profile shows two new films and that he was in Amsterdam also a time. 

The best people on this cruiser without doubt was the CHEF of the team, Vicky Berlin, she was all the time nice with everybody, telling the Special Crew to help the clients. The problem is always with the lower level of employees. They can really kill, like Abigail for example. 

Continue with Abigail, she got attracted by Carl and offered him protection and him to be her company. Carl betrayed Yaya I believe because when he was banned after eat Abigail's sticks with the black one, they lied about, so both stayed without food. After it Abigail took him to one boat everynight. She kept him alive and protected, that's why Carl liked to stay with her. There they were in a survival, so in the survival, people change their rules because they know, it's difficult to kept the rules. 

The main motivation for Yaya's death I believe was because Abigail fell in love with Carl, so she killed her because of her beauty and because she demonstrated to forgive Abigail, but Abigail maybe didn't believe in it. My theory, if she really killed her. If not, they must to be alive somewhere because fact is their social media is not updated. Carl social media is very strange, only old photos.

Dolly, Abigail, whatever, has a so wooden face, on her Instagram profile she made a text to Yaya, Charlbi, but in fact it seems to be made for Carl, Harris Dickinson (because Carl eat all the Sticks and in the end she says: "I miss you".

Read carefully The letter: 

"Do you remember when we first met? The second I walked into the make-up room you got up from your chair and hugged me like we were long lost friends. That was it for me. My anxiety over meeting the cast (especially you) for the first time was terrifying. I saw your photos on insta and I saw this perfect-looking, take-no-prisoners, fierce bad ass. I was so wrong. You turned out to be the sweetest, most caring, kind, thoughtful, and empathetic person I’d ever met.

I never ever had to pretend nor hide my true self around you, nor mince my words nor act like I didn’t have an opinion about everything. God knows I lack tact but you accepted that as much as you welcomed every other person around you. Because that’s who you are - beautiful not just on the surface but also inside your big, beautiful heart.

Thank you for sharing your blessed soul with us, for checking in while I was in transit going into my second leg of filming, for easing my mind when I was having irrational paranoid thoughts, for constantly asking how my kids were doing, for being the first to congratulate me when anything good happened to me, for reassuring me that you got me while we were on that 200-foot drop, for being my cheer leader, and most of all for being you. I had the best time making Triangle of Sadness and you’re one of the reasons whyYou know that.

This big, gaping hole in my heart may never mend. It hurts so so much and I’ll never be ready to say goodbye. So I’ll just see you around the corner. In the meantime, don’t finish all the fries and chocolates, okay? Save some for me.

We will always have Trollhättan, Playa Chiliadou and Cannes.

I miss you.


Cannes is the place in France for the movie's Festival, so she gives indication in how she will see Carl again after the "set".

Webbadass. 1. mod. tough; bad; belligerent. (Usually objectionable.) Stop acting like such a badass punk! 2. n. a tough guy; a belligerent and arrogant person, usually a male. Don’t be such a badass all the time. 

She also says in the letter that "you are one of the reasons why", you know that. I cannot say that she is trying to say that he is cumplice, if he talks, he can also go to jail. 

All Europe was in Lockdown in 2020-2022, i was there in that time, everything stopped, so it's probably true that they were in that island filming in that period of time. AH, you see, i saw now one picture where she says that the movie was made during the pandemic time. 

Congratulations our family we did it!!! @ruben_ostlund you’re the GOAT I’m forever thankful for you for trusting me to be apart of your genius and my dear @sinaostlund
Can’t believe I had the best year making this during one of the hardest times in my life. Here’s some pics of the year in Sweden and Greece during the pandemic. Forever and always our @triangleofsadness family 🤍
40 w

Charlbi's death was advertised in August, 31, saying that she died Monday, 29 and in December of 2022, the cause was revealed, here you can read what they said about:

Charlbi Dean's Sudden Death at 32 a 'Tragedy' - A tragedy???? Tragedy is for accidents with car or Yatch for example. 

"Per People Mag, the actress born Charlbi Dean Kriek died from bacterial sepsis after being exposed to the bacteria, Capnocytophaga. She was predisposed to the illness after having her spleen removed, following a car accident in Cape Town in 2009".

True or false, what do you think? It's really easy to pay for some blogs to publish whatever people want, because we are in a closed circle, wicked game, circle of lies etc...
Or if it not it, Kendall Jenner killed her. because everybody knows Charlbi was in her peak of beauty and success was coming. 

See you! 

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