Nathalie Emmanuel, the Misandei of Game of Thrones is The Vampire Bride of a Castle in Carfax, London.
The history evolves around Evie, that is in freedom back in USA. She was invited in a Dating APP to go to a family reunion in London, in a Castle full of Vampires. She didn't know it, but accepted the invitation.
The Castle is beautiful outside, but is all dark inside, her room and all the dependencies. There was living a kind of Count Dracula like a Phantom, in the Dark you see his sillouete, but if you turn on the lights he disappears.
Before Evie, another woman got trapped inside the Castle, she committed suicide there, after it they created a Portrait of her and was in the Wall. She had a nightmare with her and saw her in the window. She said that "everything finish here", with her.
I'm very familiar with this kind of situation because that's how they attack their victims with "Cinderella syndrome". They always make you feel that you are someone important, but for them you are just a victim. In Europe, France this kind of situation happens a lot.
Back to the movie ...
They also hired some servants, and the "Ruler of the House" was trapping them inside the rooms. Every time he left one servant in one room to clean, they were attacked. They were all women and foreigner apparently.
What happens when they are close to you:
- Spiders may appear, the lamp may start blinking by failing, this in Europe. In Brazil they can control the energy so, hard to know, maybe can happen in the South of Brazil in the Winter.
If you were invited to go inside a Castle, there will be no protection, the Vampire was inside Evie's room, but before, he went outside her door, playing charm with her to check her SPIRITUAL protection. She corresponded what means that the Vampire has total liberty to go inside her room.
After two more servants be trapped and attacked by these monsters, Evie was being prepared to her marriage. At night she was on cell phone with her friend when a bird attired himself in the window, that the maid recommended to be all closed, he died to tell her that there have Vampires, dangerous. The Vampire gave her a beautiful dress. That's all old trick. That's what they do.
This is the Castle seems new. Walt called it the New Carfax.
'Poor bird, a shrike, they are serving the humans" .The Vampires know it so they close the windows.
Tomas Doherty as Walt De Ville is the Vampire that wants to marry Evie.
The dinner begins. Walt says: -"Welcome to the great families in New Carfax. The Billingtons of Whitby, Klopstocks Budapest, The Alexanders of London". So, Walt, in the dinner table makes a surprise for Eve announcing their wedding, the night before they slept together.
The servant enters the room and they behind her cut her neck, Evie gets terrified.
This older Bride Vampire starts to laugh, she is so happy that will eat, revealing her teeth. Previously she was so bored with Evie, i knew she was a Vampire because of her bad humour, but she never revealed herself. She behave normally and didn't transformed. Now, is the first time she shows, in the dinner table.
Evie goes to the door trying to scape, but they don't allow her.
He said that this night is theirs and tomorrow is his. To them get the bride prepared.
So they take her to the basement and there they put her inside a coffin. There was also another servant that Evie says to the Vampire to spare her life.
She hides in this place but the servants corpses are all there. They killed the woman Governor who helped her to scape, and Evie runs locking the governor who entered there looking for her.
She scapes again and reaches one village asking for help, the woman lets her enter but she sees a old picture of her in the Carfax, so she worked there before. They are calling to the guards probably.
The old picture in the wall demonstrates that this old woman worked in the Carfax.
She tries to scape again but the old woman hits her in the head.
His wife offers her tea, but she refuses. She identifies herself as Mina Harker. She says before hits her: - "Don't fuck this up for all of us my dear".
She wakes in the Castle again with Walt, that is discursing about how people called him. Nosferatus, strogu, Son of the Dragon.
He prepares her for the wedding.
In this moment, she bits him as part of the ritual and takes a lot of Walt's blood. She completes her transformation. He gets dizzy.
While he recover himself she burns the place down, takes revenge with a Stake in Watts heart. The two other brides feel sorry for him and go after her.
She fights with the older Vampire bride, that dies because of the other younger blond bride that trespassed both with the Dragon's lance, the Governor's house gets in Evie's way too, but she kills him, finally Walt reappears, recovered. He tries to kill her but she is stronger.
She cuts his hand and throws him in the fire.
Walt dies in the fire.

She leaves the Castle like a Hero. The others invited ran, so they survived included the one who invited her.
Back in the USA she takes revenge of the man who invited her. He has a company named Alexander Royaltie, he said that he paid the "COPS" and must to destroy the evidences and kill her, he said, don't worry she is normal, she doesn't have any power. He doesn't know what is expecting him next.
End of a not so happy story, but still she is alive and this situation didn't change her so much.
Jack a real Vampire on Tik Tok on March, 11, 2023y
See you!