Friday, July 1, 2022

Abandoned, 2022

I'm a Mom, and decided to live a new life in a distant village house. Recently i got married, but my husband does not understand what is to be a mom for the first time, handle some ghosts and care of our family. 

Emma Roberts is starring her new role like a mother and a wife when she decided to buy a house to stay far from big cities, but it was a big challenge in the beginning, first to be happy, she must to solve a homicide involving a girl and a pedophile husband and their two missing children. 

Emma's husband is a veterinary and was often going out, while she was caring of her baby and the "Ghosts". She saw the girl outside and she was also inside the house, included  touched her legs to save her from the ghost husband. I was asking myself if they were really ghosts or they never got outside the house, but in the end they all left. 

They were bothering her and she was scared and couldn't live a normal life. 
Her husband was thinking she was getting psychotic and called a doctor, of course she got really nervous because she didn't receive any support from him.

Very interesting is that her husband in his heart planned to take her baby from her, that's why he called the doctor, but GOD never fail, she did well and the doctor left her with some medicines, of course. She threw it away and continued to care of the baby, she didn't want to loose her sanity. She finally found the children that were hid in an abandoned part of the house's roof and they tried to take her baby from her. She started to cry and asked them to give her baby back. They said no and tried to kill her. In the morning they disappeared and she had her baby in her arms. God was very happy and sent her a beautiful sunrise to thank her.

She finally had peace, and after it she dedicated full attention to the family starting with an amazing breakfast. Her husband understood and saw the change. They showed love to each other.  Emma was incredible strong, I'm proud of her. Everybody can be a good mom, we just have to leave ourselves and devote our attention to our children. Husband, your wife is not crazy (They will always gonna try!!!).

It was beautiful when she said, you're mine! No one is going to take you away from me!😘👏✨

Rating: 10 stars. 

See you soon! Xoxo. Mi

Visit my WordPress site: Market of Combat

Thursday, June 30, 2022

V for Vegeance, 2021

This adorable family was destroyed in question of seconds when they received an unexpected visit from some masked vampires. They killed the mother and the father but before, the mother hid the little black girl while the others two were kidnapped by the vampire named Thor, and unfortunately transformed. They were sent there because the parents had developed the Vaccine that could kill the Vampires. 

Time passes when they grow up and finally discovered that the other sister Kate is alive. She lives with a Vampire Hunter named Bullseye's who worked with their parents, they were developing a vaccine that could eradicate the Vampirism. Now, she continue the job and made a discover, a laboratory blood analysis which she has the Cure for the Vampirism. 

They had a nice encounter, they show emotions like normal humans and they preserved the family feeling, they changed voice tune when talking to their sister. They don't look like vampires, they have a nice color. 

The Story Teller, says Kate, asks him to tell the history about how he met their parents and explain about they wanted to develop this vaccine to eradicate the Vampire epidemic Worldwide. (Seems that everybody knows). 

Kate says when she mixed the vaccine with her sister blood it breaks down the mitochondrial DNA and eliminates the mutation. Also, she not only discovers the vaccine, but a way to use their blood to kill the vampires. After all of it the Vampire Marcus who was with them kidnaps Kate and the girls go after him to save her. He tooks her to the Thor's house and there they fight with them and win the battle, killing all of them. 

v for vegeance

These are some of the weapons they use to kill them. Everything is useful and the vaccine really worked. 

I believe we can be vulnerable, they can infect us without come here. I believe that is good to not give us vaccine anymore. 


Rating: 10 stars. 


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Sundown, 2021. A movie with Tim Roth, the main actor.

Tells a story of his family on a Vacation in Mexico city. Everything was good until his ex-wife receive a calling from London telling her that her mother was taken to the hospital. She decided to leave the place and took the entire family. In the Airport Tim decided to come back, he said that forgot his passport. She left with the kids and he rent a room in a Hotel close to the beach. 

His taxi driver was approaching him to steal in the next opportunity. Jorge Campos drove him at the Hotel and asked to carry his luggage to discover which room he would be hosted. 

Sundown movie

He was everyday at the beach and one day someone stole his luggage from the room. He is a very centered man and didn't make scandal. He continued at the beach drinking and enjoying the girl. As he did not return his ex-wife came after him from London. She stayed at the same hotel as before. She discovered that he lied and decided to sign the papers from divorce and his pension from the company. After that she left with the lawyer and as she was in the car, Jorge Campos started a persecution, with the other two friends. They were with a gun and fired at the car, which hit his wife. She died instantly. Her kids came back from London, but before Tim Roth was arrested and the Police officer accused him of murderer and putted him on Jail. After that they managed to drop him from prison and her kids made the deal with him to sign the papers. They left and he continued with the girl. A gypsie girl. 

sundown movie 2021

As he came back to home, a pig were placed in the middle of the door and the Gypsie girl totally ignored and went to place her things but after Tim entered, he took a fright and fainted and fell down the stairs. She took him to the doctor, but the doctor said he checked and said he has with cancer. 

Tim at the Doctor. He "said" that he has cancer already metastasized and must to start chemotherapy. Why did he said that? Because Tim has a VITALICE pension from security. He is a healthy man and this is all a lie to STEAL his money. 

Rating: 10 stars. 

See you!

Michelle Naumov

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