Showing posts with label 2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2018. Show all posts

I feel Pretty, 2018

Renee Bennett struggles with low self-esteem and manages the website for cosmetics firm Lily LeClaire. She decides not to apply for a receptionist position at the corporate headquarters, her dream job, after reading the job description's emphasis on being beautiful. She wishes at a fountain to be beautiful and the next day she falls, hitting her head.

Waking up with the belief that her appearance has magically changed, Renee approaches the world with newfound confidence. When a man named Ethan speaks to her innocuously, she insists that they exchange numbers. She applies for the receptionist position and is hired by CEO Avery LeClaire.

The movie is super fun. 

40 Years Young, 2022 - 40 is the new 12 Afterall

After turning 40, César is invited to a culinary contest in Cancún, but a bitter discovery threatens to destroy his family as well as his ch...