Saturday, September 24, 2022

The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special, 2020

 Rey is trying to train Finn, but she feels that she is failing, he cannot be like her. He cannot control the force yet, so, she asks for illumination and find a Book Story about the Jedi Era, an ancient temple named Kordoku, and she decided to go there to find some answers to learn more new techniques, so Finn can become a Jedi. She flew there in the Norway Aurora Boreal. Arriving she found a key to the galaxy's past, actually it is a Star GATE which she can travel to the Jedi's past. The first place she travelled was in the Luke Skywalker training, Dagobah, there she sees Luke and Master Yoda, of course she didn't interfere, then learn the lesson and is surprised in an attack of a kind of giant worm in the water and leave without be noticed.  

After it she decides to continue to learn and starts to open the Gate to see what is going on in the other side to learn all the lessons.

Now she encounters Obi wan Kenobi and Anakin training, this time they see her, but she ran into the Gate. 

She fell inside the Luke Ship, who is in a battle with Darth Vader, she won, and she went again. 

This time she stepped out in the Planet Base of the Emperor and sees him in a conversation with Darth Vader. While she leaves, the emperor threw Darth Vader there.

Meanwhile in her base her friends are hosting a Christmas party. 

Rey starts to battle Darth Vader in a dispute by the key that opens the portal, and she opens another gate and arrived in another battle, this time they encounter another Darth Vader, which is funny when they look to each other, they get confused of who is the real Darth Vader and start to fight each other, and again she opens the Gate to run, one Darth Vader runs back and they fell inside with Obi wan Kenobi and Anakin which fight in the volcano larva, and they also fight. 

Here Luke does not know what will going to happen, while admiring Mars and the Moon.

They continue to open Gates, and the situation is getting worse because now Obi wan and Anakin starting also travelling with some soldiers and every time they open a new Gate more Jedis and soldiers go inside and also some Ships, is very funny kids will love it. 

Now they have a big battle with the Jedis from the Past and Future together. After the battle Darth Vader runs with the key, this time Rey don't succeed to reach him. 

He arrives in his base and explains the utility of the key to the emperor. They start a plan and Rey is trying to find a way to recover the key, Master Yoda shows up and she opens a portal alone with her mind and reaches Darth Vader. 

Rey then starts to battle Darth Vader again, and she recovers the key. She leaves Anakin in his home and open many Gates until reaches home again. There they are celebrating Christmas, and Everybody is happy because they are back and starts to snow, to complete the happiness. 


Rating: 10 stars

Indication: To all fans of Star Wars, the kids will enjoy very much.


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Thursday, September 22, 2022

Elizabeth, the Golden Age, 2007

The Stunning Cate Blanchet, as Queen Elizabeth I, who reigned in 1533-1603 was ruling England and the King of Spain Philip was in a Catholic war, fighting the Enterprise war, in favour of Queen Mary. The movie begins with the King saying to his daughter Isabella: Come in my daughter, God has spoken to me, the time for our great enterprise has come, England is slaved to the devil, and we must set her free".

The movie shows her routine as Queen at her court, but the "Enterprise" movement is happening behind her back. It's two armies landing on the coasts of Sussex and Norfolk. Her cousin Mary has the recognition to be the Queen of England and the Queen is supposed to be assassinated, she is protestant. She discovers everything and the author to be a Spanish plan. She says: - it's the plan of my one-time brother-in-law.

The Queen is single and should be marry soon, the court prepare a presentation of some pretenders, but who calls her attention is a pirate who brings her gold, potatoes and smoke. He stays in the court to spend a time to get acquaintance with the Queen. She has an assistant which falls in love with him.

The Spain court was in Elizabeth Castle when she said that, after it they confirmed to the King that she discovered the plan and the King decides to attack faster, his words: "-God has abandoned Elizabeth, England must be crushed". The King is working with the Jesuits. 

Bess's cousin was in the Enterprise movement, so he got hanged after exposed. 

She received a shot inside the church while praying. Thanks God the gun was not loaded, so she survived. 

Mary Stuart is informed and is accused of treason.

The Queen Mary is preparing herself to have her head cutted. 

The King wants revenge on Mary's death. He says, blood must pay for blood, he is determined to kill Elizabeth, the bastard, his words. So, he decides to call all the Legions of Christ to war. 

Meanwhile the Queen Elizabeth's servant is explaining that he read the Mary's letters and she is feeling guilty for the God's Queen murdering. 

Now she is studying her defences against the King Philip, who is approaching the invasion in the Albion's shores.

Her assistant Bess informed the Pirate she was pregnant, so they married in the hidden. The Queen gets furious with her when she discovers, a big treason, so she orders to the Pirate to be jailed and takes Bess rights. The girl is nice, but she could not fight her feelings that came from the heart. The Queen had her as main confident and now she is very disappointed. 

Here she is taking some advises with her Elder, and now the Armada is approaching her castle, they are preparing for the attack. She said that this is an Inquisition attack and is afraid the liberty of thought will not exist, so she says: - We cannot be defeated!"

She has lack of warriors, so she wants all the men she has to fight including the prisoners. 

The Queen in the battlefield, she will not abandon England and she is giving words of motivation and encouragement to the warriors. 

The war was happening in the water, her army had some ships, they were destroying each other, but Spain lost the battle. Meanwhile, she blessed Bess baby. 

The Armada Portrait of 1588 shows Queen Elizabeth I majestic in victory over Spain. Over her right shoulder, the ships of the Spanish Armada are destroyed, while her opposite hand rests on a globe, reflecting England’s imperial ambitions.

she said, "but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and a king of England too, and I find the dirty contempt that... Spain, or any prince of Europe, must dare invade the borders of my kingdom.

Remember: Many are the men's plan, but God is the one who decides. 


Sunday, September 18, 2022

Queen Elizabeth Tribute, some suggestions.

 I was watching some movies about the Queen's life, so I can understand her history. I liked all the movies and she was undoubtedly a great Queen. Since young she was very responsible and had accomplished her vows with success. Sometimes she didn't please everybody but her intentions were always based in the Duty, she always putted the Kingdom and her reputation as represent of the Nation in the first place.  

The Queen, 2006

The movie is about the Queen's Elizabeth behaviour at Princess Diana's death. The ascension of the Prime Minister Tony Blair and his support to the Princess's funeral helping the Queen in the crisis with the crown which expected more empathy from her part and shows also how Diana was loved by the people in England. They were all monitoring what the media was publishing and shows the family dialog in this period of mourning. The kids and Prince Charles were preserved and they were supported by the family. 

Our Queen at War, 2020

It's a documentary about Queen's service in the British Army and the beginning of the Germans attacks in England, the behaviour of the Royal Family at war, how they were solidary to the crown, the death of 81 children who were evacuated in the Benares tragedy, the good decision of the Royal Family to visit the places which were bombarded and the happiness of the Crown in see they were not abandoned, the bombing of the Germans at Windsor Castle and the End of the War, the beautiful celebration of the citizens in the streets. This time was a very important period in Elizabeth's life, she was very happy in serving, because she made a lot of friends and she felt important to do something that matters. 

Being the Queen, 2020

 Starts with the National feeling in relation to the Queen about Diana's death,  her history with the Prince Philip, her father's death, her childhood and her life as a mother, her relationship with her sister Margaret,  the life of the Prince Andrew and Princess Anne divorce, the Divorce of Diana and Prince Charles and the loss of the Title of the Princess Diana, the car accident in Paris with Diana and Dodi Fayed and relates about her death. The accident in Aberfan in 1966, and again showing Diana's death grieve period and a fast recap of her life. 

All the movies show the entire life of the Queen Elizabeth in a recap of her 70 years on the Throne, as the longest reigning monarch. 


Cazuza: Time doesn't Stop (O Tempo NΓ£o Para)

  Cazuza: O Tempo NΓ£o PΓ‘ra (Cazuza: Time Doesn't Stop) is a 2004 Brazilian biographical musical drama film directed by Sandra Werneck a...