Thursday, September 22, 2022

Elizabeth, the Golden Age, 2007

The Stunning Cate Blanchet, as Queen Elizabeth I, who reigned in 1533-1603 was ruling England and the King of Spain Philip was in a Catholic war, fighting the Enterprise war, in favour of Queen Mary. The movie begins with the King saying to his daughter Isabella: Come in my daughter, God has spoken to me, the time for our great enterprise has come, England is slaved to the devil, and we must set her free".

The movie shows her routine as Queen at her court, but the "Enterprise" movement is happening behind her back. It's two armies landing on the coasts of Sussex and Norfolk. Her cousin Mary has the recognition to be the Queen of England and the Queen is supposed to be assassinated, she is protestant. She discovers everything and the author to be a Spanish plan. She says: - it's the plan of my one-time brother-in-law.

The Queen is single and should be marry soon, the court prepare a presentation of some pretenders, but who calls her attention is a pirate who brings her gold, potatoes and smoke. He stays in the court to spend a time to get acquaintance with the Queen. She has an assistant which falls in love with him.

The Spain court was in Elizabeth Castle when she said that, after it they confirmed to the King that she discovered the plan and the King decides to attack faster, his words: "-God has abandoned Elizabeth, England must be crushed". The King is working with the Jesuits. 

Bess's cousin was in the Enterprise movement, so he got hanged after exposed. 

She received a shot inside the church while praying. Thanks God the gun was not loaded, so she survived. 

Mary Stuart is informed and is accused of treason.

The Queen Mary is preparing herself to have her head cutted. 

The King wants revenge on Mary's death. He says, blood must pay for blood, he is determined to kill Elizabeth, the bastard, his words. So, he decides to call all the Legions of Christ to war. 

Meanwhile the Queen Elizabeth's servant is explaining that he read the Mary's letters and she is feeling guilty for the God's Queen murdering. 

Now she is studying her defences against the King Philip, who is approaching the invasion in the Albion's shores.

Her assistant Bess informed the Pirate she was pregnant, so they married in the hidden. The Queen gets furious with her when she discovers, a big treason, so she orders to the Pirate to be jailed and takes Bess rights. The girl is nice, but she could not fight her feelings that came from the heart. The Queen had her as main confident and now she is very disappointed. 

Here she is taking some advises with her Elder, and now the Armada is approaching her castle, they are preparing for the attack. She said that this is an Inquisition attack and is afraid the liberty of thought will not exist, so she says: - We cannot be defeated!"

She has lack of warriors, so she wants all the men she has to fight including the prisoners. 

The Queen in the battlefield, she will not abandon England and she is giving words of motivation and encouragement to the warriors. 

The war was happening in the water, her army had some ships, they were destroying each other, but Spain lost the battle. Meanwhile, she blessed Bess baby. 

The Armada Portrait of 1588 shows Queen Elizabeth I majestic in victory over Spain. Over her right shoulder, the ships of the Spanish Armada are destroyed, while her opposite hand rests on a globe, reflecting England’s imperial ambitions.

she said, "but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and a king of England too, and I find the dirty contempt that... Spain, or any prince of Europe, must dare invade the borders of my kingdom.

Remember: Many are the men's plan, but God is the one who decides. 


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