Showing posts with label 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2020. Show all posts

Friday, February 16, 2024

Edge of extinction, 2020

"15 years after World War III, the nuclear winter is over, but mankind is on the verge of extinction. Civilisation no longer exists, food is scarce and most eke out a living by stealing and killing. One boy clings onto life in the desolate countryside of southern Britain, where staying away from other humans has been key to his survival. But this self imposed isolation comes to an abrupt end when he crosses paths with another group of survivors and an enemy far more savage than any of them could imagine."

Violence, death, hungry and kidnapping is occurring in the villages of Britain. A little group of survivors were fighting a big group of assassin's that are only expanding. It's interesting to note that the forests are very dangerous. 

Worth to watch to understand deeply what is going on and how they operate. It seems that this really occured in 2020. 

Get out of the distant villages. Be safe. 

Crated, 2020


A group of six teenagers in their 18 years, were kidnapped and wake up in crates in the middle of nowhere, it seems that is in the African coast, that's what was showed in the end of the movie. 

Their memory of how they got there is somehow wiped from their minds with the exception of their names and the group is left to question who put them there, and why.

One of them find a book with all the names of the kidnapped. They are 6. 2 of them are of the black race, 2 of the Caucasian and two others from  mixed. 

Alex, Julia, James, Brianna, Jake and Self. Interesting to note, in their profile they wrote something like adjectives of them, like intelligent... 

Has one bird singing... this is the main clue. Has a forest surrounding the area, they try to scape after Alex had discovered the code to open the door,  but the men are inside the forest and take all of them in a spaceship to a coast. 

Alex trying to figure out the password πŸ”‘

They point their fingers to the sky to show the spaceship that is coming. The men covered their faces with a black fabrics. 

Here it is the spaceship that leaves all of them there, to multiply...

6 intelligent Adam and Eve left without any technology apparently, they had their cellphones but without battery. In a distant future they can receive a visit from some spaceship for use of many purposes...

See you! 


Saturday, September 24, 2022

The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special, 2020

 Rey is trying to train Finn, but she feels that she is failing, he cannot be like her. He cannot control the force yet, so, she asks for illumination and find a Book Story about the Jedi Era, an ancient temple named Kordoku, and she decided to go there to find some answers to learn more new techniques, so Finn can become a Jedi. She flew there in the Norway Aurora Boreal. Arriving she found a key to the galaxy's past, actually it is a Star GATE which she can travel to the Jedi's past. The first place she travelled was in the Luke Skywalker training, Dagobah, there she sees Luke and Master Yoda, of course she didn't interfere, then learn the lesson and is surprised in an attack of a kind of giant worm in the water and leave without be noticed.  

After it she decides to continue to learn and starts to open the Gate to see what is going on in the other side to learn all the lessons.

Now she encounters Obi wan Kenobi and Anakin training, this time they see her, but she ran into the Gate. 

She fell inside the Luke Ship, who is in a battle with Darth Vader, she won, and she went again. 

This time she stepped out in the Planet Base of the Emperor and sees him in a conversation with Darth Vader. While she leaves, the emperor threw Darth Vader there.

Meanwhile in her base her friends are hosting a Christmas party. 

Rey starts to battle Darth Vader in a dispute by the key that opens the portal, and she opens another gate and arrived in another battle, this time they encounter another Darth Vader, which is funny when they look to each other, they get confused of who is the real Darth Vader and start to fight each other, and again she opens the Gate to run, one Darth Vader runs back and they fell inside with Obi wan Kenobi and Anakin which fight in the volcano larva, and they also fight. 

Here Luke does not know what will going to happen, while admiring Mars and the Moon.

They continue to open Gates, and the situation is getting worse because now Obi wan and Anakin starting also travelling with some soldiers and every time they open a new Gate more Jedis and soldiers go inside and also some Ships, is very funny kids will love it. 

Now they have a big battle with the Jedis from the Past and Future together. After the battle Darth Vader runs with the key, this time Rey don't succeed to reach him. 

He arrives in his base and explains the utility of the key to the emperor. They start a plan and Rey is trying to find a way to recover the key, Master Yoda shows up and she opens a portal alone with her mind and reaches Darth Vader. 

Rey then starts to battle Darth Vader again, and she recovers the key. She leaves Anakin in his home and open many Gates until reaches home again. There they are celebrating Christmas, and Everybody is happy because they are back and starts to snow, to complete the happiness. 


Rating: 10 stars

Indication: To all fans of Star Wars, the kids will enjoy very much.


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Cazuza: Time doesn't Stop (O Tempo NΓ£o Para)

  Cazuza: O Tempo NΓ£o PΓ‘ra (Cazuza: Time Doesn't Stop) is a 2004 Brazilian biographical musical drama film directed by Sandra Werneck a...