Friday, February 16, 2024

Crated, 2020


A group of six teenagers in their 18 years, were kidnapped and wake up in crates in the middle of nowhere, it seems that is in the African coast, that's what was showed in the end of the movie. 

Their memory of how they got there is somehow wiped from their minds with the exception of their names and the group is left to question who put them there, and why.

One of them find a book with all the names of the kidnapped. They are 6. 2 of them are of the black race, 2 of the Caucasian and two others from  mixed. 

Alex, Julia, James, Brianna, Jake and Self. Interesting to note, in their profile they wrote something like adjectives of them, like intelligent... 

Has one bird singing... this is the main clue. Has a forest surrounding the area, they try to scape after Alex had discovered the code to open the door,  but the men are inside the forest and take all of them in a spaceship to a coast. 

Alex trying to figure out the password 🔑

They point their fingers to the sky to show the spaceship that is coming. The men covered their faces with a black fabrics. 

Here it is the spaceship that leaves all of them there, to multiply...

6 intelligent Adam and Eve left without any technology apparently, they had their cellphones but without battery. In a distant future they can receive a visit from some spaceship for use of many purposes...

See you! 


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