FEMA - she goes inside and wishs to die, but Madison and Strand appears and save her.
Strand tells her to not feel guilty, he learned with Madison that we can start over, we all can.
In the 6 episode Alicia angrily turned her weapon on Naomi but instead shot John as he dived in front of her and Morgan tried to stop the bleeding, proved that he is not a Cromartie after all.
Madison dies in the Episode 8. Nick and Alicia watched in the car she locking herself out after attracting the zombies. Her last words were: - "No one is gone, until they are gone". She means, when you don't see this person anymore, it means, this person really died. The Movie didn't show she being eaten, so let's wait.
Morgan was trapped, he fell of the bridge and his hands were tied up, and his companions didn't help him, he was above this car until night, where he had a moment of illumination and succeeded to scape. Morgan is a very centered man. No one came to save him, he had a walk talk and the companions didn't give a word, but he helped himself and passed the test of courage.
The problem here is not because he knew that he could do it alone, the problem is the lack of friends, of someone who you can count to look after you. He could do it since the beginning, but was good to learn a lesson, you help yourself, the most important is to not give up even if is the worst moment.
For the surprise, the companions were there in the bridge and they made an agreement to go to Virginia. They repented in not help Morgan.
Morgan is now in Houston, 76.
This is another Variation. The pupil is round.
One interesting fact is the Alligators are eating or biting Zombies in the lake.
Morgan and friends are on the road and the Zombies are approaching. Seems that they are able to capture the noises of voices in a long distance.
In the 15 Episode, Alicia and Charlie found Strand and John that were stuck isolated in the flooded area because of the Alligator. They didn't have a boat, they tried to build, but sank.
Strand and John are very surprised, is really something unlikely and unexpected the probabilities to find each other.
Meanwhile they were trapped inside the St. Luke Hospital in the Travis County, Texas.
Here ends another adventure of surviving, they are relieved and now everybody remained is together. They killed a lot of zombies trying to get out of a lot of places. They get in and get out, their numbers didn't increase because there is no one in those areas. This is really sad. No one is concerned about lands, possesses, they just fight to survive another day and protect those in the group.
Let's go to the 5 Season.
The Episode starts with two kids, Alicia saved them.
Luciana gets injured, a helicopter fell.
Someone tied zombies guts to their bodies, later we discovered that were the kids that did it to protect themselves.
Someone cut the Zombies head in the trees. I think this is work of the Vampires because is very high.
If i 'm not mistaken, this man was in the Walking dead, they burned his face trying to scape with Rick and Eugene, in The Walking Dead. Aha! It's him, he said more in the next speech, "More Walkers", this is the way the people in The Walking dead call them.
His name is Dwight and he is looking for his wife named Sherry. John and June helped him, they were really nice, he wanted to kill himself, but they encouraged him to not give up, "you have got another chance", June said.
Morgan and Dwight recognized each other, yes it's really him.
In the Episode 5 Althea is kept prisoner of this military girl of some classified project, later they understood each other (fell in love).
This man died while climbing
Interesting this clothing against bite, included because of this jacket Althea was not bitten.
Impossible to fake this DEATH. Alicia killing the Zombie with a Knife kind of. In this moment, she kills many. Season 5, Episode 7, at 2:16
Alicia's weapon is a piece of pointed iron, it's very light.
Alicia is the person who kill zombies the most, she is really exposed to their blood, i see her face changing. The others are not so much like her, it's like she wants to end their suffering and is cleaning all the mess. More she kills, more zombies appears.
I understood one zombie who said: - We just wanna die, so they go to them also to die, not to attack, biting others it's something that they cannot control.
Meanwhile, Morgan is inside a house checking if he finds a key of a car. This is the most important Phone Number until now 361-173-7793 Office Number. The City is Alice, Texas. The Recipe is Pad Thai. They are clearly asking for help. We need to expose the series.
Morgan is talking to Alicia, he is explaining that they will go out on that plane.
Althea and Strand succeeded to fix the Helicopter. It's a very happy moment for all of them.
John proposes to June.
Watch one of the most important moments of the series. John is excited to propose June.
They improvised an airstrip, full of lamps, this is really cool, because of it they succeeded. It's super necessary, because without these LIGHTS Althea couldn't have the Land Visibility she needed. They are very happy.
The Zombies disconnected the cable of the lights and Althea almost lost control of the landing.
The Althea Tapes are increasing, everybody is talking and she is registering. Daniel, Alicia, Strand, Luciana, Charlie, Daniel, Morgan and Grace.
"Take what you need, leave what you don't". This box has a lot of histories to tell. One woman became psychopath because of this. 🤔
Dwight used MERCY to someone that held him in prison, he managed to scape and now he is giving the same chance to do good, to restart, that love he received from John and June. Good deeds are contagious. Always works.
"Beloved, never imitated what is bad, but what is good. He who does good is of God; he who does evil has not known God." John 3-1:11
Dwight leaves Morgan at the Plaza Bridgeview
Morgan stares at the Board of employees pictures.
All the employees became zombies.
Grace is trying to have some fun, she needs to relax her mind and invites Morgan to play with her. Morgan likes very much the feeling of being a child. The Logan's group shoot the motto he was riding and now he lost his faith in good deeds. It's a place with people helping and others being sadists.
He said: That's the way things are now, we shoot and we kill.
There is no Latham city Police Officer anymore "ALL ZOMBIES".
Althea Tapes - She hid but Logan and his people found it and stole all the interviews.
"Adios Yesterday, hello tomorrow". Logan with the Tapes in his hand.
Their new camp.
John and June are trapped above a car, they were there to meet Charlie, watch how they succeeded to scape. Every scape idea is a big lesson.
This Rabbi is alone, everybody died inside the Church, he said that after he saw what happened to people, he lost his faith in God. Maybe he thinks that he should have accepted the fact of become a zombie. The truth is everybody there is right to fight for their lives, nothing to feel guilty about it. The humanity is tending for the extermination, that's why GOD will fulfil his promise. He will restore everything.
The Zombies were attracted by the Folk Trumpet's Jewish sound
It's the sound stronger than the SMELL.
Logan helping Serena immediately, he didn't wait so long to save a life.
This place was recorded by Althea, she interviewed Tom who has a sister named Janis that was inside when a group invaded, Althea and Morgan told they will gonna help him.
This is a luxury condominium Paradise Ridge.
God always find a way to justify his servants. End of Story Ebenezer. Morgan and the Horse in the Paradise Ridge Condominium, Texas.
Hard to fake this scene. Althea and Morgan killed the zombie inside the swimming pool and were surprised by the group that invaded the condominium.
They were surprised by the hospitality, Virginia gifted Morgan a new Stick .
She saw the tapes and knows everything about them, so they are kind of famous, she saw good in them, that's why she helped to make a new one. Janis, Tom's sister was not there.
Grace again is trying to give some happiness to Daniel and enjoy life in the middle of the Chaos. They got acquaintance with the Zombies, they understood that is kind of the end, and they live each day like is the last. They are everyday at risk, so nothing really matters. It's also a way to recover your sanity of what their lives was in the past. It's only death most of the part. Rare are the good moments.
Virginia was also recording, after she saw the EXCELENT documentary tapes of Althea, she said that this is a really good idea and smart, and now she is showing that she is helping people.
Althea saw what she said in the televisor, she was very angry, said that she is lying, and destroyed the TV on the ground, angry. This is the most natural reaction because she worked very hard for these tapes, many times she fought to protect it and when she saw her idea spreading to someone that didn't worked so hard for it she became angry. It's like - Who stirred my cheese?
She accuses Virginia of being fake.
Janis was found. Tom is now reunited, finally.
After separate from Virginia's group because of the way she rules, now they are a big family.
They reached the John's ranch, but the Gulch Ranch is full of zombies.
The zombies look like a conglomerated of people from above.
They just want to die. Zombies conglomerated in the ranch.
The fence will not gonna handle for so much time.
In the last Episode of the Season 5, John and June are official married. 🥰Congrats to the nicest couple. That's what is life, cry and happiness, to give us emotional support to handle the bad things of daily life.
And then everybody stares to the light that GOD sent to them. Blessed they are. Now Virginia is approaching from outside.
Virginia shots Morgan, unexpected scene and leave taking the others in the car.
Virginia calls the doctor and tells that Grace is pregnant. Morgan is left behind by Virginia and now he is the the Church's door almost dying being surrounded by the Zombies.
For my surprise, in the beginning of the 6 season, Morgan appears injured, but alive. The walkers don't wanna eat him, maybe because he is bleeding very much.
His eyes is in blood's color, his body smells like necrotic body, a person says to him. Maybe he is with infection or almost dead. Certain death here we go (EMOJI).
This man cuts the zombie belly and take his gut, hard to fake this one.
Morgan found Daniel, a nice reencounter. Morgan is cured, his eyes are normal again.
Season 6, episode 3, When Dwight finally found Sherry, his wife, was a long road until here.
That's a great news. They are cleaning this area, the Key city, Lowton.
Virginia says to John to not spread what they have talked. She wants people to feel safe. My opinion is the best thing is the place to be truly, not just appears to be.
Unhappily Janis became a zombie, after run from the village because she killed Cameron, she confessed and after it she left. John found her in the forest. Soon he discovers that was Strand that did it. Janis was white, young and beautiful. She had a good heart. Strand always had this character variation, he now changed and is much better, but i don't know why he did it. So, be attentive to the racial differences, the black ones are more racist than the whites, the problem is no one talks about it, you just have to feel it. This is a very important point to solve the murdering cases.
Morgan kills this man in the belly and the guts got out. Try to fake this one hã?
These masked ones got inside Dwight's house and took Sherry and him. Be careful with the Psychos, in The Walking Dead they were eating human flesh to survive. It's not this the case but, stay alert.
They are outcasts of Virginia's group, and Sherry's friends, Dwight's wife. Althea is with them in a resistance group to kill Virginia.
The group succeeded to take Althea's truck back. Dwight did it. Very courageous it's a scene of Fast and Furious, Dwight showed a great act of courage.
Morgan took the driver so he cannot report to Virginia.
Virginia was bitten and in the excitement she thought it would be better to cut off her hand, June did it.
 Zombie in high state of decomposition, fungus (green over his skin), and in his body. It's cool when you look at a zombie you know how many years they are alive. They indeed go after humans only to die. Better not let them to spread, you must to stop only to kill. Many times they let the Zombies continue, that's why they don't have a lot of alive people.
Season 6 Episode 8 John, Morgan and Dakota trapped inside the car.
The zombie got inside the wheel, now it's difficult to move.
 And there it is, the result, at least 60 people now rest in peace.
John discovers that Dakota killed Cameron, that's means Janis died in vain.
She gets scared and shoots him and pushes him into the water
John fell into the water
He was very nice to Dakota, very calm and didn't harm her.
John takes his father photography and swims to the surface of the water.
He succeeds and goes down the river.
He reaches June, but is too late, he is a zombie already.
She then kills him.
Virginia and Morgan are in a fight to recover Dakota, she confess that Dakota is her daughter. Their car was shot, now the Sherry's group is chasing to kill Virginia.
Morgan almost decapitated Virginia, but he hesitated.
In the Episode 9 Virginia confess she is her mother and everything she did was to protect her.
June don't accept loses John and takes revenge killing Virginia.
Morgan and Alicia run to ask her what happened and she puts her husband's hat on her had.
In the 10 Episode After Virginia's death the peace came and Daniel was happy but their place was exploded and invaded by zombies.
After the destruction they found a community living underground place in the Season 6 11 Episode
They seem friendly, truly artists, but don't mistake, they are not like they say. Althea soon investigated and discovered they were tracking Tank's town.
They were using the undeads to grown vegetables. This may explain why people in USA become undeads, this is not new. Maybe their land is contaminated.
What do you see? That's the question this person asked to all of them. That's all they needed, a RH professional to interview people. The most hideous is that they maintained the zombie while the plants were growing because of the light.
Alicia and her group almost died, she advised them to leave and she alone killed her assassin. This is their leader, talking to Alicia join him after she survived murder temptation.
In the Episode 12 Grace lost her daughter at born but appears like she died after giving birth, and reecounters her daughter with 16 years, Morgan is older and he doesn't believe it's Grace. Crazy part, but she is unconscious and Morgan tries to bring her back while she is having this vision of her daughter older.
Morgan explains her while unconscious that she died after giving birth but in fact seems that her daughter died.
In the 13 Episode June went to check Grace's baby but Morgan was mad with her because was late, when she left she met by casualty John's father and Dwight and Sherry are looking for her.
Finally she reads together with his father the letter John left her, was good for both. Dwight and Sherry get emotional and decided to restart their relationship.
In the episode 14 Alicia goes outside the Bunker with Ted, Dakota shows up and goes also in the car, Alicia found an old friend who tries to kill her, but she managed to kill him, she has a misunderstanding with Ted and wants to kill him, because he wants to explode all of this with a Missile. She refuses to compactuate with his ideas, but he succeeded to kept her prisoner.
Alicia is back prisoner in the Bunker.
In the Episode 15 they reach the submarine where the psycho Teddy is about to launch a missile. Strand betrays Morgan attiring him to the zombies, Dakota tries to kill Strand and shots him.
This crew member and all the Crew became Zombies.
In the Episode 16 this mother was trying to fix the car but she broke her leg. She saw the missile and when she saw herself alone she killed (shot) herself and left the baby behind her back alive. She couldn't walk.
Morgan was transmitting what happened about the missele, this mom got for sure desperate so she sacrificed herself so the baby could live. (Better stay alive waiting for help).
Dwight and his wife Sherry are trying to understand themselves waiting for the missile to fall, and Teddy is with Dakota, he is an abuser and is trying to abuse her.
John's father will help Dakota.
Jonh's father explains to Dakota that he will forgive her for kill John and June is also with him and helps him to scape Dakota's shot.
Morgan almost killed himself with Grace and a child starts to cry, the Dog brought the mother already zombie and the baby on her back. So, now Morgan and Grace have a reason to live.
June and Jonh's father hid in a Bunker behind Dakota and she kills Teddy.
Dakota after the strike.
After it the missele Strikes and Dakota dies. Everybody is alive and they hid in different places.
Strand found a build, Daniel and Luciana took the Airplane, Morgan and Grace hid under a truck, Dwight and Sherry hid in a Bunker in a house.
This is the color (Orange) of the missile explosion
After gives a Clarity so strong with the vibration of Sand coming.
After the Vibration it will expand and will come with this black smoke in a fast velocity
Morgan and Grace under the truck, had a strong vibration and almost the truck flew, but handled. They are with the baby.
Srand was far but also felt the vibration, he was thinking he will die, that's explains the face.
Strand and Ali at the moment of the explosion
Everything is clouded now.
Teddy's soldier died. Also became zombie. He helped Teddy to launch the missile, so, this is the famous man who did it.
Here is Morgan and Grace after the explosion 💥
The Season 7 shows this man called Will that survived to the missile. He is walking around and these are the consequences. He saw a Zombie walking, a dead rat, the lake was full of dead fishes and the vegetation in the forest around still burning.
Dead fishes in the river
Some zombies became dust.
The visibility is difficult, it's all still orange.
Will is assassinated by Victor Strand, interesting is the second time Strand kills someone of the same race.
He doesn't like very much this race in specific as I see. Because they are very good people.
Will was always peaceful and doesn't like to kill. He told that he met Alicia and gave Victor her medallion, i don't know if this is true, but Will was afraid in the presence of Victor because he showed signs of abuser to Will and Will kept distance.
Maybe Victor felt betrayed by Alicia and he heard this. Will gave Strand to understand that he got involved with Alicia. Maybe this is the reason he killed Will.
In the Episode 2 the focus was directed to Morgan and Grace and the baby Mo. They found milk in the Submarine and she learned how to walk on the ground. Grace was disappointed and wanted to give up her life but after saves the baby Mo's life she accepted the baby.
In the Episode 3 was focused on the Bunker with June and Jon's father named John. There they discover that Teddy hid the corpses of the women he killed. John started to see one ghost of them named Cindy. Her body was hidden there. June was thinking maybe John is hallucinating but was true. Teddy killed 22 women and the only body they didn't find was of Cindy, that's why she asked for help.
She demands him to help her because he promised to her family to find her body.
Had a kind of tremor and a secret wall was discovered, that's the place Teddy killed 23 women. This case appeared in the local newspaper and John was the police officer of that time.
Actually June and John are there for 71 days, she was following the rules of a brochure in case of a missile striking.
That's her body.
In the Episode 4 Sarah's group, Luciana, Althea and others are in a good place and Sarah wishes to find her brother Wells. She asks Morgan's help and they reach till Victor Strand's build. He says that Wells is with him alive, but if he goes out he cannot go back there, so Sarah decides to leave him with Victor and asks him to not tell him that she was there. She is very much upset to say goodbye for her truly friend.
She talking with Morgan asking him if he found Wendell.
She Mets Josiah that is looking for Morgan to kill him to take revenge of his brother, that Morgan killed. He has a dog who can help find Wendell.
She saw his chair covered in blood in a stable but there was gathered a lot of zombies. She saw blood and started to cry.
It's unlikely Wendell leave his chair. He cannot walk without.
Sarah takes the car uncontrollable and falls. She and Josiah survived. Morgan appears and Josiah and Morgan fight, but they stop when the zombie bits the dog.
The dog dies.
They go after Victor and he says that Wendell is with him. But if Wendell goes out he cannot goes inside again. So Sarah leaves him.
In the Episode 5 Dwight and Sherry meet Strand, they created a code name "Dark Horses", his men took them blinded and when he saw their faces he laughed, he never could imagine that the famous Dark horses are people that he knew. They were surprised too. Strand shows them the black board full of the people that were zombies. It's a memorial. Very sad to look. It's thousands more than that.
Victor could not believe how the feared Dark horses are the nice couple Dwight and Sherry
Victor explains that about 200 people are living in his complex.
He asks them to find Mickey. She is a boxer and her husband Cliff turned.
Sherry helped her and they three killed a lot of zombies.
Here Dwight asks Sherry to have a family, they are a couple but he wants to be a father since he was living with Briga and her family in their house, everybody turned.
Here is Briga with Dwight, in this moment he is giving her a videogame. They build a family and as always it's destroyed. This is sad in this moment for everyone in USA.
In the Episode 6 Althea was with Isabelle, she is persecuted by her own crew. They almost killed Grace and Morgan. Althea wants to separate to the group and Morgan is not happy because Althea can do a lot of things, she is very smart and she is part of the group. She leaves to the right place where there is the helicopter, then she goes find Isabelle to warn her to run of the Crew.
So Althea advises Isabelle to leave and she will help her.
In the Episode 7 Morgan asks Victor for help to care of the baby Mo. The complex suffers an attack of the Stalkers by their leader that was rejected by Victor to live there. He used a catapult with zombies inside. Wendell shows up and he is really alive for my surprise.
Victor Strand is poisoned and seems to me that was a retaliation because of the painting he rejected. An excellent painter called Juliana draw and painted him a portrait, but he attired it down to the zombies. Victor is now a very arrogant man and he compares himself all the time with Morgan, like he is always saying that he is doing something that Morgan was not capable to do. Grace helps to finish the attacks.
Juliana is an excellent painter. ✨✨✨🖼
She draw Strand that hated it and threw it out.
Arnold calling Victor, he demands to his people get inside the complex.
Arnold at the catapult.
Zombies that will gonna be thrown into the catapult. They attired the Zombie, you can see him flying directly to Strand window.
For my surprise, Victor discovers that was Morgan that poisoned him.
When Morgan gives a hand accepting Morgan advice, he sees the blue paint in his finger, indicating that was him, while they drank whisky together. Strand tried to kill Morgan previously already so, their relationship is destroyed already.
Morgan fighting with Victor, who tried to attack him.
His servant saves him.
Victor then tries to kill him in the roof outside. Grace sees it and interferes.
This is the number of Zombies alive outside their wall.
This is what is left of the Strand's paint, he said that is the way he wants people to see him.
While Morgan is going back on the road, for his surprise he mets Dwight, Sherry and Alicia.
Morgan is very happy to see Alicia alive. She says that she was safe underground while the world burned.
Three zombies are approaching with bomb in their stomach. After the group shoot them, they explode.
While in the bunker, Alicia found the top secret book P.A.D.R.E (building our country's future).
In the Episode 8, the history of Alicia underground is told, what happened to her while underground.
"Remain alert at ALL TIMES". This is a good advice, USA always give advices, those who are prepared survive, that's the lesson. Alicia runs and find the Stalkers.
Arnold is very friendly with Alicia.
P.A.D.R.E has a classify content.
This photo frame was in the wall. Elias Vazquez, candidate to senator
Alicia will gonna lead Teddy's group outside the bunker.
Will confirmed, it's him in the bunch, the Senator Vazquez didn't make it.
Alicia jumped in the river and attired the Senator
Here Morgan also jumps.
Alicia was bitten by the Elias Senator she took.
Morgan is listening the history about the bitten and he asks to see it and she shows. She amputated herself.
She amputated her own arm and dismayed.
Alicia health state after the amputation.
Alicia's arm.
Will helped Alicia and sewed her arm. Will wrote a letter to Alicia and left. After it Will met Strand and was killed by him and became zombie.
Alicia with Morgan, Strand approaches and she sees Will, asks why Strand killed him and he confess.
He answers that he killed Will because it could hurt her and because Will confessed he loved her.
She promises revenge and says she will take the tower from him and says if he resists they will go to war.
Arnold goes after Alicia and stops in the Paul's house, he reports the girl he is looking for 'gets fever'.
 Arnold wants to kill Alicia because many of his group became zombies.
Alicia is helping Paul who was shot by Arnold. Alicia had to leave and Arnold killed him.
Alicia dismayed on the streets and Morgan found her. She continues with strong fever.
Alicia constantly hears a voice in her dreams while sleeping, she is explaining Morgan she has an idea of how she will get an army to defeat Strand. She prefers to be out there looking for a safe place to everybody live and having a safe place she can build an army.
Here it is Arnold checking the exact place where the bomb fell, it's really impressive. The walkers (zombies) while walking, fell inside the whole.
This is the depth of the whole and is really very large.
In the Episode 10 Morning Cloak, Charlie appears and a boy called Ali was hunting butterflies for Strand's collection, and he fought with her. She got lost from her group. John was there and he recognized her. She and Ali got out in a patrol later like a test so he can become a Ranger. A Strand soldier. There they met some Stalkers who were bitten and he and Charlie managed to scape, she dismayed and now is resting in the Strand's complex with the supervision of June. Ali succeeds to become a Ranger. After it, he shows Charlie the captive of butterflies and he helps Charlie to communicate with Morgan. Howards sees it and kills Ali.
Strand have a collection of Morning Cloak, this butterfly have a lifespan of 12 months and is from the environment of Montana.
Here he is strangling him. After threw him away to the zombies. Charlie sees it.
He threatens Charlie, but June defends her.
In the Episode 11 Wess, Luciana, Daniel get out of the submarine to find some weapons and they get caught by the Stalkers. They try to scape giving them the wrong coordinate of the location of the weapons.
Daniel kills Arno's Soldier, he is acting like Strand.
The place is full of Zombies. This one was in the radiation, no one can approach them, because they can die.
Daniel is making himself crazy like the Apostol Paul did to survive.
Daniel leaves Luciana and Wes to find Arno.
Daniel knows and Arno knows, everybody knows but one group wants to overcome another. He then assassinates Arnold giving him to the walkers.
Arno begged for his life, but Daniel didn't give mercy.
Luciana and Wes take Arnold back, but the zombies destroyed his leg.
Luciana asks him what he means when he said that something bad is coming, he tells her that someone is freeing the dead's from the pit(crater) and they cannot even touch them, because everybody will gonna die and the only way is to everybody go inside Strand's complex.
- You can't touch them, you can't even go near them. He says.
These are some zombies exposed to the radiation, it's very dangerous.
In the Episode 12 the focus is inside the Strand's Tower, the Rangers are searching for proof of rebellions inside the tower and Strand threw at least 3 people outside for the zombies.
One more white person he threw outside.
Detail is they are doing this with the baby Mo in Victor's arms.
Charlie is sick with the radiation exposure. June is waiting because she doesn't know for how long she will live.
John confess he harmed Howard with the history of the Walkie.
John killed Howard by Victor's instruction, because he thought that Howard was not loyal. Fact is John confessed that he did it, and still Victor wanted him to kill Howard.
Strand confess that no one will gonna look for Howard, to John don't be so concerned about it. His family turned months ago.
John is also sick because of the radiation exposure.
After Howard's death John immediately reacted to Strand hurting him in the head to take the baby Mo back to Morgan, John walked among the Zombies who were eating him, he was protected by they took off his glove so one zombie bit his hand. Strand woke up by Wess help and he asked him to take an antenna. Grace and June were watching John and the soldiers appeared.
Morgan is outside and Wes is with Strand
John walking among the zombies with the baby Mo in his arms.
The Zombie almost bit his hand.
June and Grace watching John make the crossing. John succeeds but was bitten.
The 13 Episode starts with Dwight and Sherry. They help a woman in need. Morgan also is in trouble.
Morgan walked with Mo but the battalion of Zombies came behind him all the way out, he asks Dwight and Sherry for help. This is the most scary thing i ever saw. They are outnumbered, with lack of weapons, how they will gonna manage it, let's see...
Wes persecutes Dwight and Sherry, he wants the baby Mo back but Dwight manage to detain him, while Sherry takes the baby and run.
Morgan and Alicia check the crater of the missile and the zombies had scaped. Someone put a kind of ladder there. Sabotage. Who did it? We do not have the answer.
Morgan and Alicia continue to attract the zombies inside the bunker. The problem is Wes, Dwight, Sherry and other Rangers are inside.
Sherry, Dwight and the baby Mo scaped the bunker.
In the Episode 14 Morgan's group reach Strand Tower, with Alicia.
Strand invites Alicia to drink with him.
Strand and Alicia get trapped in the elevator and Victor offers her an opportunity to stay in the tower. He wants to threat her and prove her that she is wrong about him. He shoots Wes that is defecting and manage to scape with Alicia, they find Daniel that is also in the tower and Daniel wants also to shoot Victor under the Ofelia's excuse. He insists she is alive and Victor knows where.
The poor Alicia collapses, Victor helps her. He is looking for a medicine called Epinephrine.
Charlie situation is worse.
They are trapped in the tower and Strand is talking as family to Alicia. He consider Alicia a family.
While Alicia is negotiating with Wes, Victor comes by surprise from the side and stabs him. Daniel was shot by Wes.
They get inside the tower but Alicia fights with Strand and gasoline falls on the ground because of Alicia's hand. She dismayed with the fire.
Alicia dismayed.
Alicia was rescued by June and the group and receives a reward. Maybe the environment is getting normal.
The tower is on fire. They are all out. Strand didn't want to abandon the tower.
Alicia's arm. She had an awful nightmare.
This little girl shows Alicia she was also bit and survived. Alicia thinks she will not survive for so long, she has nightmares all the time and is always dismaying. The little girl says Alicia she was having nightmares too when her fever was high. Now stopped progressing.
They reach Strand's tower but still is on fire.
"Texas you all". Sarah's t-shirt gives an indication of what happens there in Texas.
They help Alicia, who dismayed again. The little girl is in the tower and they communicated with her.
Alicia keeps sweating a lot and pass out all the time. Her skin is extremely pale in a dead state with the pink cheeks because of the fever.
Alicia got inside the part of the building where Victor is waiting to die, so she decides to kill herself, but the same bird appears and she back in the decision.
The little girl shows up again and helps Alicia to get over it. To save Strand.
Meanwhile Charlie is outside with Daniel, she seems better breathing good air.
Alicia gave her boat to Victor and says goodbye to him. She wants to stay alone. He feels grateful and forgiven.
The group is scaping but Alicia remains in the beach
Alicia dismayed again and the bird is there to give her support.
Alicia wakes with the little girl again and she is totally recovered, it's like she is cured, her skin is younger and fresh.
This is great news to Alicia, her suffering ended. She says she feels the way she didn't feel in a long time.
last episode 16, it's going to the end, I'm feeling attached as always, but for now we will gonna say goodbye to our friends of suffering. Morgan is with the baby Mo in the trees. He tries to find food for her, but he doesn't succeed.
A group appears and take the baby from Morgan, Madison then appears and kills the group taking the baby Mo with her.
Morgan finds Madison and demands the baby back.
Morgan sees the tattoo she made in her two arms with the Names Alicia and Nick and tells her he will give information about them only if she gives his baby back.
They go after the baby but they already took Mo. Madison was taken by some men that forced her to take out all the babies she finds. So, she does this job. What happens to the babies no one knows, but Madison talks about the place P.A.D.R.E, a place that's is safe for the kids.
This is very bad, they will not grow as population this means they have serious risk to be exterminated. "No witnesses".
To have proof that all of this happened is very important, so time is crucial. That's why they never talk about exterminate the Zombies. The zombies are the proof that this really happens.
They take a girl that lied that is pregnant, but the fact is, Madison took her daughter one year ago. 6 years old, Adessa.
Madison then tells Morgan she can't recover the baby Mo. He threatens her.
Madison accepted her fate and says to Morgan that she doesn't want to see her kids. She prefers then to be safe.
They try to force Madison to say where their kids are and Morgan says to her that Alicia and Nick are dead. She cries because she had hope in them.
Morgan explains more quietly now that maybe Alicia can be alive. He left before she dies. He didn't see it.
Madison was kidnapping kids and giving to a man in the dark, who calls these kidnappers collectors.
Odessa's mother didn't give up to find her daughter.
Odessa's mother go with the group to find their kids.
The group of fathers buried Madison on the beach, so when the group who steel the children comes, they can trap them.
Zombies getting close to Madison.
Madison is saved by Morgan in time.
The group of fathers who went after their children were shot and turned into zombies.
This man works kidnapping the kids. Morgan and Madison got to the dock to talk to him.
They took Madison and Morgan and sealed their eyes.
The hideout could be on that boat nearby.
It's very close to the bay.
Well, the last episode finished this way. This is the last season broadcasted. This Episode was broadcasted in June of 2022.
This is a commentator called Goldberg, in at no point did he say that this was the end of the series, he called it that episode.
Let's wait for more. That's the information whe have so far:
"Fear the Walking Dead premiered on August 23, 2015. Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg serve as the showrunners since the fourth season, succeeding Erickson from the first three. In December 2021, the series was renewed for an eighth season, which was later revealed to be the final season and is set to premiere on May 14, 2023"
More Evidences in the Media that Zombies, the Undead are real:
Zombies is also referred in The cranberries music "Zombies", of 1994. Only the Blinds don't want see the truth in front of them.
Some information available on the internet about Zombies, included in one movie, the Doctor that was trying to find a cure used some of this information: |