Wednesday, February 22, 2023

28 Weeks later, 2007. Find out what happened in London 🦠

"Six months after the Rage virus turned half of Britain into zombies, the US Army helps secure London for the survivors after a carrier of the virus enters the city and the horror begins once again".


28 Weeks is a report of an outbreak of a VAMPIRE infection that occurred in London area. 
It could be a built, fabricated Virus, I can't say, but for sure is a variation 100% of Vampire blood. And if it's not this, the Vampires were just infiltrated biting others in the crowd and it spread, but one important detail undo this theory of Vampires acting in the crowd. Their teeth. When someone is turning in Vampire the teeth grows, that's not the case, so the correct answer is it was a fabricated Virus, because of the color of their eyes.  

I will tell you why. This infection is different from the Zombies. Seems that they are alive. They were running really fast and they know exactly to where to run, they hesitate, like they think in what they are doing. It's a transformation, like occurs with the Vampires. Their eyes looks similar when transformed in Vampire. Maybe some people have a stronger resistance to the infection, so they can be half humans and half infected? 

The Korean Virus like we saw in "All of us Are Dead" is similar to this one because of the velocity the infected run. They are predators. In the Zombies of USA they are biting to spread slowly, like a natural process and they seem to die before, but I'm a little sceptical because also, the Zombies in USA in "Fear the Walking Dead" were communicating, one thing for sure. They will not listen to you and they cannot control themselves. This kind in 28 Weeks later, they hurt their victims with extremely violence.

Here the Teacher in "All of US are Dead", is explaining that people become something in the middle, the fusion of the Virus and Our LIVE CELLS. ALIVE Person + DEAD virus = A variation of these two. 

In the other movie "Zombie", of 1979, the undead really woke up of their thumbs. They were sleeping, when the live ones approached, they woke up and without eyes, they bit them in the neck instinctively. In the "Fear the Walking Dead" walking and even only the head cutted was undead. 

London is full of buildings, when the infected mixed in the middle of the non-infected, the militaries decided to kill both. They exploded many areas with buildings. Everything to not spread. Even if the militaries were signalizing they were alive and conscious, the militaries in opposite position were killing them.

There is no utility to the cars. It is impossible to drive. Forget about cars. 

The group passed by this diversion park
The stadium where Tammy and Andy met the military Flynn, of the group only they made it.

In the subway the situation was awful. Full of bodies in high level of decomposition, maybe they were there more than 1 year. The movie was recorded in 2007, so, this means, that the outbreak was occurring at least 1 year before. 

They turned off the electricity and if was by the militaries and the own citizens, there were no one to ask for help. 

The surprise is to see Dr. Rush of the Stargate Universe. Here his daughter Tammy and son Andy, theorically in the movie only. 

The main Cast

Catherine was better know for her rule in Brave Heart, she was the one who conquered Mel Gibson's heart. Seems that she really died in real life, this was her "last job". My intuition says, she really died. 

Jeremy Renner, as Doyle

Rose Byrner, as Scarlet

Imogen Poots, as Tammy

Don and his wife were confinated in their family's cottage when the infected succeeded to invade their house. They all tried to scape, but only Don and Jacob did it, Don reached the boat with Jacob, but unfortunately he was caught by the infected, turning. 

He decided to abandon his wife, to take the chances to survive. 

Jacob was almost leaving but Don reached him. 
Don goes then to London to meet his two children that were safe in the military center. 

His children ran hidden and decided to go to their home in London to pick up a photograph of their mother, she also scaped alive and was hiding in their room. She is infected, but she can talk and the virus didn't reacted strongly. So, the militaries followed them and they took all of them back.
There they give her shower and tried to disinfect her. After, her husband appears ashamed because he abandoned her, he asks forgiveness and kiss her. When he kiss he is infected and kills her. I believe that he was conscious. I'm not so sure, but is strange. 

Here is the virus on the microscope. 

She was bitten in the Cottage. 
He putted his finger in her eyes so strongly, he was really angry. Maybe was in the beginning. 

He fought the transformation, thrashed on the floor, banged his head on the glass, squirmed until the virus won.

Too late. He killed her and she didn't turned. Interesting to point all of them go in the neck to bite, that's usually the first place they bite.

The kids were closed in a room and the military took them out. Everybody were locked in a room and Andy gets separated from his sister. Then, Don succeeds to enter the licked room and starts to bite everyone. Andy hid in the tubulation and gets out. He finally meets his sister. They try to scape getting of the place but the militaries aborted the rescue mission because the infected cannot be identified because they ran in the same way as the humans. So, they killed almost everybody. 

They lost control because they were in the buildings roof. 

In the Subway Scarlet was killed by Don.
Then, he attacked Andy
He goes in Tammy's direction but she shoots him once, then he continues alive and then the second shot. 

Flynn was waiting for the Doyle to come back in the Stadium, but only Andy who was bitten and his sister Tammy did it. 

They go together but the city is burning and maybe they didn't made it. Andy was infected and shows him fighting the transformation inside the helicopter. 

The situation got worse when by the tubulation the infected reached Paris.

What can you do to prevent an outbreak in Brazil? The future is uncertain for sure. 

See you!

Michelle Naumov

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