A traumatized mother named Anna (Kristen Bell) is unsure of whether or not she witnessed a murder.
Regardless of whether or not she saw a murder take place, Anna takes it upon herself to find the truth.
Kristen Bell is one of the most authentic characters in Hollywood, she is literally with short temper and you can only expect good time with her because she is super sensible and smart.
All her surroundings are co- next her. So, to be a super star with that super young face is a challenge, but she always gets through it. People want what she have.
Her last appearance was in the series "The Good Place" which is super fun. She died and woke in "a good place". With Michael, played by Ted Danson and a group of chosen good people. They were in a kind of Paradise Village and learn how to live together. Broadcasting also on Netflix.
Anna lives alone at home and is not feeling happy after her divorce and the tragical death of her little daughter. She is always at the window when she sees her neighbour working out. She likes him instantly.
This neighbour "Carol" hates Anna, she is always unpleasant, but in the end of the movie she says "I'm sorry" basically for not being a good person to her. They all make this kind of game to Anna, so she can be the person that is not reasonable enough, lucid enough, they all wanted to make her to be the crazy, but you see, God is by her side. They are all this way. They do the same thing to me here in Brazil. If you are WHITE and have a GOOD HEART, you will be confronted by the others that will always recommend you to go to the "Psychiatrist". There are always the targets in groups of people.
Continuing... Neil's wife passed away and he lives alone with his child. The girl does not seem normal. She barely smiles and doesn't seem happy. Later his girlfriend Lisa appears and Anna's gets upset. She then continues in the window watching. Lisa is always working out.
Anna was then considered just a drunk girl, when she sees Neil's girlfriend bleeding in the window. She calls the Police nervous so, even kind of dizzy she explains where the murder occurred. Later, she is called to testify and is considered suspect. She starts to investigate Neil's life and discovers that he was charged before by his wife's death.
(Back) What Anna discovered is that Neil killed his pregnant wife in their lake and after he killed his daughter's teacher cause she discovered he killed his wife to be with her.
Anna also has a trauma, every time rains, if she is in the street, she dismays. She tried to help Lisa, but dismayed.
Anna also discovers that Lisa is involved with Rex, later Rex gets inside her house and explains everything about Lisa's life. She and Rex were doing fraud with Rich and old man to get money to survive.
The Police arrives at her house and Rex is there. He hides inside her closet and after the Police leaves, they get involved. She falls in love with him but after again the Police goes inside her house and arrests Rex under the accusation of having killing Lisa. He denies to Anna with a lot of sincerity.
Neil was very abusive with Meredith, his wife and was clear to me he didn't love her anymore. He pushed her and was with a satisfied face watching her die. She and the baby died.
His daughter saw everything. The Police interrogated him, but without proof, released him after.
Heartbroken, Anna decides to stop to drink and change her style of life painting again.
This fast affair messed with her heart and she felt alive again, so you clearly see the difference before and after.
Her friend invited her to expose her paints in a gallery and after it, Sloane receives a propose to move to New York. Her ex-husband bought one of her paints and later when she calls him that she saw Buell getting inside Neil's house, she goes after him inside and sees Neil's with a throat cut and Buell hurt. Was the girl Emma that tells her that she is the murder of Lisa and her mother. She also attacks Anna and fight with her. The girl is super smart for her age and is very strong.
Anna finds the photographer of the day that the kids where there and Neil took a photograph with them.
Rex inside Anna's house.
Anna is being arrested, and the most bored fact is that she never hid the caps of all wine bottles and the Police officer know it and uses it against her. Anna was drinking maybe to sleep well at night. She was always scared of ghosts in the attic, but later she discovers that was Buell that was sleeping there.
Buell was hurt and Anna gets inside and fights with Neil's daughter, actually, Anna was in a defensive position, but the girl Emma gave her a big fight.

In the hospital, alive, Anna receives the visit of her neighbour and the Police Officer, excusing themselves.

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