Thursday, March 30, 2023

"YOU". Top 10 Netflix Series. Did you know that Penn Bedgley is a Psychopath?

Gemma posted this photo on Instagram. 

Eve Austin, Gemma, confirms that was filmed. Ops, someone really died. What do you think?

One crime true and other fake? Or the victims who survived got out of scene?

After Gemma, he killed Thys, Ed Speleers, who appears to him like a ghost all the time giving advices or who he should kill. In the news Thys body was found in the woods. Thys was running for mayor. 

Joe is trying to scape his certain destiny. Kate's father kills Adam, Lucas Cage, her best friend Phebe's future husband. 

Kate's father wants she to go back to USA but she doesn't want it and Joe is about to kill him to "save her".

Marienne, Tati Gabrielle, also was in London but Joe caught her and locked her in the Cage. 

He left her to die starving, but Nadia, Amy Leigh Hickman, helped her with food and wanted to call to the police, but Marienne chose not to. Joe left Marienne in the park, but Nadia saved her. 

These are the Adam's assassins. He and Phoebe were about to get married. To note that Adams is white and the Three are of other race. -They said: -Your problem is to think that your money will gonna save you.

Adam in his last moments, "here is the safe place". He was a nice person, even if he was a drug user and gay, he decided to marry Phoebe and she was happy, because she is a good person. 

Kate's father is his next victim. After she shares with Joe her relationship problems he decided to help her. 

Joe suffocated him and buried in the woods. 

Joe again kill Thys before suicide. Twins?

Joe jumps in the river, he survived can you believe it?

Kate proposes Joe, so they will restart a life. 

Nadia took photos that incriminate Joe, but he appears in front of  her and deletes everything. 

Ops, he did it again, he killed Nadia's boyfriend while explaining her to come to be by his side. She did the right thing, to refuse Joe's menace, he called the Police and wants to incriminate Nadia with a knife in her hand saying that no one will gonna believe her. That's typical Psycho's script. 

Nadia went apparently to jail, that's what Joe said and refused to defend herself. 

Taka li Kate? Both are with her father's money and they will restart. Hope to see your punishment coming.  

"-Joe, you are such a Cliché"

Psycho Killer, Run run run away 

"Run from the Devil and the Devil will run from you". God. 

See you! Hope now you are able to defend yourself of the Psychos.


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