The couple passed by moments of horror, Cary almost died when Sherry bravely found the key. They are parents of two children, so i felt their pain. Love left them to die and gave them a gun so they can shoot one another.
Malcolm's body, Joe chopped.
Again the Serial Killer attacks. Another member of the crew is dead. Seems that was not Joe.
So, Joe raised a very interesting topic which is that of persecution apparently without reason. It's a crime for sure. You can use reasonable force to protect yourself or others who are acting outside of the law. I imagine there is a lot more to this story. No doubt you need a criminal defense attorney.
Stalking and harassment is when someone repeatedly behaves in a way that makes you feel scared, distressed or threatened. There are different types of stalking and harassment and anyone can be a victim. Stalking and harassment are offences under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.
Harassment may include:
bullying at school or in the workplace;
cyber stalking (using the internet to harass someone);
antisocial behaviour;
sending abusive text messages;
sending unwanted gifts;
unwanted phone calls, letters, emails or visits;
The Act says it's sexual harassment if the unwanted behaviour: violates your dignity, creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment (this includes the digital environment, online);
Some examples of sexual harassment would include:
sexual comments, jokes or gestures staring or leering at your body using names like ’slut’ or ‘whore’ unwanted sexual communications, like emails, texts, DMs sharing sexual photos or videos;
groping and touching;
someone exposing themselves pressuring you to do sexual things or offering you something in exchange for sex.
Stalking is like harassment, but it's more aggressive. The stalker will have an obsession with the person they're targeting.
Someone you know could be stalking you; an ex partner or a person you were friends with, or it might be a stranger. If it's someone you know, or knew, it doesn't mean that it's your fault; it's still stalking and it's an offence.
Stalking may include:
regularly following someone;
repeatedly going uninvited to their home;
checking someone’s internet use, email or other electronic communication;
hanging around somewhere they know the person often visits;
interfering with their property;
watching or spying on someone;
identity theft (signing-up to services, buying things in someone's name)
So, Joe is persecuting Kate Galvin on the streets even if she tells him she doesn't want to see him, but he continues. He keeps chasing her and then she lets herself be seduced by Joe's appearance and then she allows a rape, without being aware that she is a victim because she is a woman and a victim. She says: - You wanna fuck me. What a man is supposed to want with a woman. He sleeps in her house and steals a letter. She wakes and sees it and he tells her that was a student's letter he was looking for.
This man again, he was the Governor of the Castle of "Invitation". Maybe he is concerned because Joe is from America and thinks he is there to kill him maybe. He was hidden in the same thumb. Kate left and he appeared. Joe kills him OMG, they are all getting trapped, maybe they just wanna die, who knows. Better Joe take all the fault on his judgment why not?
Joe has an imaginary stalker who is not so happy to see him alive. Is threatening him "no one will mourn you".

He left her to die starving, but Nadia, Amy Leigh Hickman, helped her with food and wanted to call to the police, but Marienne chose not to. Joe left Marienne in the park, but Nadia saved her.
Kate's father is his next victim. After she shares with Joe her relationship problems he decided to help her.
Kate proposes Joe, so they will restart a life.
Nadia took photos that incriminate Joe, but he appears in front of her and deletes everything.
Nadia went apparently to jail, that's what Joe said and refused to defend herself.
Taka li Kate? Both are with her father's money and they will restart. Hope to see your punishment coming.
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