Friday, January 27, 2023

Fear the Walking Dead until Season 3. Learn all the tips to be expert!

Take the Faith and Jesus out of the system and humanity will be condemned.  

Fear the Walking DEAD, 2015

The movie starts with Nick, from El Sereno, Los Angeles, who was using drugs and his girlfriend died maybe of Overdose and became Zombie, she eat many people and Nick ran for his life, in this running, he was hit by a car. In the hospital he told to his stepfather what happened who checked the place and saw rest of bodies. 

The case became public when a man bit a professional of the American SAMU called PMR, they filmed by a helicopter. 

Nick ran of the Hospital and his drug-dealer tried to kill him, but he managed to defend himself and the drug-dealer shot himself becoming a Zombie too. 

The matter became public when a man died in the street and the SAMU (PMR), professional was bitten and this case was filmed by a helicopter, soon was in the TV. The place where it occurred was in L.A. 

In the Season two shows the situation getting strong in the Streets, show a Police Officer that was bitten by a Zombie, people protesting on the Streets. They went Protesting all day and in the Middle of the Protests one police officer became zombie and started to bit people but they didn't see because was crowded. The protester said: "Gueto Christmas", this means this occurred in December of 2015.

These situations combined create the Chaos

1. The Cellphone communications failed because of the electric companies;

2. The Electric Energy of the entire city was turned off by the company electric by purpose;

3. Lack of Food;

4. Chaos on Traffic, hospitals;

5. Schools closed. 

6. Protests with the intention of robbery.  

7. Militaries took control of the neighbourhood inspecting the houses.

8. Remember: No one will gonna help you if not you and your neighbourhood. In this moment there are no Authorities, Police, NO ONE!!!!, they will all be busy!. 

9. The Brazilians that lived in USA and came back to Brazil can be all infected already. 

10. It's not an isolated case, EVERYBODY (adults, babies) in USA WHEN DIE, turn in a Zombie, they can be good or bad people, doesn't matter. 

11. It's not effective to beat the Zombies, you must to kill them with a Knife in the Brain. If you try to fight with them with your hands, you will loose your life because they don't die this way. 

12. If you cover your body with zombie blood you will be able to walk among them. 

13. There is no one single place with GLASS Windows that the Zombies don't succeed to Break. As i saw the buildings, Airports, helicopters, houses, were not designed to survive to the Zombies force. 

"Nothing to Save You". Metallica". 

Maddi's stepson is filming the protest. 

In the School Alexa's mother named Maddi is searching for medications for her son and discovers the Director alone, already became a zombie.  

Here the Police officer shoots another Zombie while people protest

It's important give support to the Police, always observe first before act and create unnecessary chaos, try to understand, because they cannot fight against the lives ones with Zombies to Kill. The Police must to have a lot of Guns to kill the zombies. 

Interesting that the Protest was an excuse to steal cars. Always collapsing the System. If you see something like this, maintain distance because will get worse. 

It's a security decision to kill a person if it becomes a Zombie, because there will be no help from authorities. If this person bits another it will spread. Don't hurt the Zombie, give her/him a fast death, don't play with God. Don't take pleasure with it. In the Walking Dead they were tortured, they played with them, made them a Spectacle. Terrible. 

"What you do not want people to do with you, do not do with others". Jesus Christ

From Episode 4 the Militaries took control of a Residential Area, they closed a whole area to stop the neighbours to spread. Maddi got inside another area, she saw many civilians dead without be turned.  The reasons could be many included fear. I cannot say that the militaries did it. We must to think in many possible scenarios. 

After the isolation, things were calm in that area. When the militaries decided to go to out of the fence, they died, they said that were too many walkers to kill, so they lost control and died. 

In the Episode 6 shows that is too late, L.A is already full of Zombies. These turned people were locked in the Buildings, it's dramatic and sad. The Militaries were very right, they achieved the neighbouring they closed, was easy to kill with the protection, but for another side, they didn't go outside to kill in the nearby neighbourhoods, so the Zombies came to them. They didn't have enough personal to kill an entire city, because we know, no one will come to help in a situation like this, because the entire City is in chaos, never has enough people to kill. 

What is proven is that the Zombies are not infected, they are dead, so they must to be killed immediately to not multiply. 

Well, that's the time they have to leave, it's unsustainable, the Military center in the hospital is doomed and the vicinity.  

Season 2

Imagine that you are in a Boat and you watch your city burning full of Zombies, that's a really sad scene. They managed to scape by river in a boat and that was the scenario in New York. They killed one Zombie that persecuted them in the river, his body remained there. 

They saw people in a little boat, but didn't help them. They were heading to San Diego. Alicia communicate with others on the Radio, and they were in the same situation, trying to reach Hawaii. They reached Santa Catalina island. There they met a family and the place had a big fence. The mother owner of the house was bitten by her little daughter. They then left. 

One Zombie went in the engines down the Yatch, in this case Travis dove down to check, he removed the body the hands zombie got inside the tabulation, so they could continue to travel. 

Some people tried to scape by jet, fell on the water a part and another part on land. They went to the island to find some clothes, because there were a lot of baggage's. Nick killed some zombies and here Nick discovered that walking covered in zombies blood he could walk among them. 

In the 7. Episode of the Season 2 Nick explains his mom he will not die because he can walk between them without being noticed. 

One Asian was alive in the island but Strand (The Yatch owner's didn't accept to take the girl on board. She was in a rescue boat, so he cutted the cords and left her behind). 

Strand is letting everybody behind. He doesn't want anyone more than the ones who are with him.

She later is found by the group that wanted to steal Abigail. 

In the 4. Episode Nick found an abandoned camp, they were asking for help. All dead.  

Alicia and Travis are kidnapped by the group that tried to steal Abigail. This adventure took them to Mexico, Tijuana, where many died and the group divided. Nick now is walking alone. 

Nick in Tijuana, Mexico. Close to the USA border. 

Nick was persecuted by a group of thieves. 

Nick watched the dogs fighting the zombies, they died, the zombies always win against dogs. 

Nick dismayed and God sent him rain. 

Nick achieved this village, they were sacrifing the bitten ones to feed the zombies. To be clear, this is not necessary. There are a lot of atrocities with zombies. Remember, they were humans once. 

This woman is a Wedding organizer, she locked all the invited ones in the room because the bride's father bit the bride while dancing, he had a heart attack. She took a bad decision. The right thing to do is: To let all of the NO bitten to go out. In USA everybody is an ALIVE HUMAN ZOMBIE. 

Later Alicia met her by casualty and she didn't left the Hotel, everybody is zombie, less her and some others. She has the keys of the entire hotel. She confessed to Alicia and seems sorry for it. 

"Search first the Kingdom of the Sky and the the rest will be added to you. Jesus Christ. 

What's the point of having gold and silver and no one to share your joy?

"If we have what to dress and what to eat, be glad with it".  Jesus Christ. 

No one to save you. No one to save you. No one to save you. 

The salvation comes from the other side. 

SE02:14- Nothing will gonna bring Chris back, they really killed him, he broke his leg, after it they killed him. 

Nick found a community and started to live there, now a gang wants to expropriate the place. They don't know it's a familiar community full of children with no guns, but still they advised them to leave. 

Here they are celebrating shooting up their guns (-They ran like cocroaches, they said). 

The celebration was short, the leader, who was bitten, took the bus out of the fence and now the thieves don't have a community anymore. 

Nick left with the inhabitants, later his mother comes to find him in this village, but she was late. 

In the border big massacre of normal people without gun. Nick was trying to pass there but was caught, his mother went behind him, also was caught by the militaries in an American military base. 

Some men dressed in military clothes were killing people inside these walls. They were Americans. They were not there to help, but to stop anyone who dares cross the border. They took each person's weight and height and then wrote a number with a black brush on their foreheads. They were killing because they knew everybody is a zombie alive. 

For Travis surprise he was in the same room with Nick, exciting moment, Travis tells him his mother and sister are there. 

This militar Troy explains that they were suffering attacks, and he doesn't have any Americans coming from Mexico, seems that Nick's mother was the first American he sees in a long time. 

1. They were watching them die and turn, this man had nice eyes but in 1 minute he turned.

2. His eyes lost the color and everything inside the eyes disappear. 

3. The PUPIL now looks like a STAR PENTAGON of 5 TIPS.

One important TIP is the zombies create a circle and they trap you inside approaching and when you see you cannot scape. Never stay inside their circle, it's a certainly death. 

They managed to scape, separately, but Travis died, he jumped because he was shoted (SE3:EP02), their helicopter was shot. Alicia survived.  

Of the two militaries driving the helicopter one died in land bitten by a zombie. 

A ray hit this zombie head. Ofelia's father killed 96 people and repented, soon after, starts to rain with Thunder and some zombies appeared to him, and he started to pray, so, God sent the Salvation to him. His wife was all the time praying and thanking God for their Blessings. 

God indeed showed him his salvation. Believe!

Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all that will be added to you". Mathew 6:33

SE03:EP04 - Daniel succeed to kill the assassin of good people, he was killing them and giving them to the zombies. The same Daniel that was praying last night and God sent the Ray. God gave him this mission to kill this Assassin. Only God knew the Future do you understand now?

One of the things that is very interesting is that, when they are living in community and they build something stable, there are disputes of the land, in their case they say that in the border always was a violent place. One family of their group didn't feel safe because of the Indians and decided to leave, the case was then they were bitten by zombies, the entire family became zombie. 

Madison then explains because of everything she saw, it's better everybody to be together. There they have everything. Food, weapons, house, water, that should be enough. This family got out without protection so they died. 

Madison was concerned with Alicia and they went to rescue her. There they took her but some soldiers of the Indians died. Troy's brother Jake made an agreement but Troy didn't listen because of Alicia and Madi, that's why they went because of Madi's pressure. 

Troy's brother Jake went there to leave Ofelia in the Gypsies mixed community, but they were angry and beat him and cut his face, his intention was to SCALP his head. They almost killed him but Ofelia interfered. 

 The problem is not this, this man is not Indian. He is gypsie maybe mixed. His name is KALATAKA. He does what the gypsies do. Interesting. He left him but said he will finish the Scalp when he faces his brother Troy again. They want the Americans to go out of the that land, so they provoke and create reasons to them to leave. That's what they do. They are all this way.

In the end they took Ofelia and Jake out of their community. They stole their Helicopter, Military boots and said to Alicia that Soon they will gonna have an Army.

Nick killed Jeremiah, Troy and Jake's father. He was all the time being rude with Jeremiah. His mother Madi gives his head to the Indian KalaTaka that wanted the Ranch, as revenge. 

When Jeremiah died, the soul of the Ranch died with him. People touching his things taking possess of what they didn't build, that's awful feeling. 

They were forced to unite with the mixed gypsies Indians, and they declared that they all must to forgive. KalaTaka said his angry died when Jeremiah made the sacrifice. Now we can be one, he said. To fight the hell outside, the zombies. Jake agreed with the decision, but the Folks don't. 

Troy didn't agree so he fought. He was banished and left alone outside. 

Troys militar's friends went to thank Nick about what he and Troy did, and said that means a lot and they are ready to fight, but the problem is Nick was a coward, Troy did all alone, he is the hero. Nick doesn't say a word and accepts to be considered a hero without deserve it. They give him a gun to fight. 

Meanwile Troy was banished of the Ranch. Living alone in the Desert. He walked and found a friend property with food. 

God help those who help themselves. 

These are the zombies walkers behind. This SMOKE ABOVE WARNS that they are approaching. Unfortunately Jake was bitten and Nicky and Troy decided very fast to cut his arm, but sadly he became zombie. This is very sad. 

They reached the Ranch and they made a barricade of their trailers, but the zombies together succeed to overthrow. They killed many of them and hid in a bunker. Some people were bitten and were inside of the bunker, Alicia killed them to others to survive. They were running out of Oxygen and suddenly all died, less Alicia. The rescue came in time.

Nick and Troy took the helicopter surrounded of zombies. They succeed to scape and reunited with the others. The Ranch is over, no more. 

Sad news. Ofelia was also bitten. 

Troy was killed by Madi, Lola was assassinated, the water dam was blown up by Nick and Daniel scaped apparently, and now everyone has access to the water. Alicia, Strand and Madison sank in the dam, Madison for sure is alive, Strand and Alicia disappeared. 

Troy in his Instagram. Hard to know. Who seems dead is alive and who seems alive is dead. 

We will go now to the 4. Season. Continue in the next post!

See you! 

Michelle Naumov

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