Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The happening, 2008

The movie starts with some people committing suicide in New York City, everywhere.

As the movie develop we see some characteristics of the deaths, but until the end we cannot figure out the reason, no one was able to explain why. The experts said that was because of the nature, a kind of toxic in the air or an infection. The fact is that God was sending wind all the time, but in a moment some people got the wind  and nothing happened. When i watched i was thinking that was the wind, but it's not. Maybe the wind was trying to say something. Who knows. If people killed themselves for different reasons is not so clear. 

In the park in New York city people behaved like in a Flash mob, officially, the first known flash mob happened in 2003, in Manhattan, New York, and the movie was from 2008. 

Plague causes everyone to freeze in the New York Park

They were freezing, and some of them were walking backwards. Maybe some people knew, others don't. 

happening movie, 2008

This girl had this strange behaviour, acting like she had a short memory loss, and all of a sudden she sticks that toothpick down her throat and most interesting no blood splashing everywhere, the movie didn't show what happened after.  

happening movie 2008

Terrible to imagine, there were many deaths. This group were running and saw this scene, these men hanged. 

- I see in Calculus, said Stacy to her mom before die. 

In fact the scientists were not able to discover what caused it, but it seems to be a misunderstood, people were making sacrifices for their lives?. Some were infiltrated in their middle. It all depends of who is the 🎯. The races or if we have some Kamikazes between us. We know who apply this war technic. So, we must to be very attentive because God didn't send any dream telling you, hey! Go there and hang up! 

Rating: 10 stars. 

See you! 


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